Starting Clan In Goldeneye


Expert Sniper
Sep 30, 2013
Wii Online Code
I am now Starting a clan Called the [TG]clan the TG stands for Team Ghost add me on Goldneye friend code is 007327344528.PS i am [TG]Ghost and Im the leaderPPS yoto be a TG you Must get 12 Kills in Goldeneye and i must be there to see it

The kills will be 7 in a single game not a streak
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Vannos, I don't think this person is serious. He is trolling. You're better off adding people on here (Friend Codes in game) and joining up with the gameFAQs and Skype groups. GE is active, but clans are not. You're better off just adding as many people as you can and playing with them. Wiichat is best for a friendly community, FAQs is better to meet more competitive people and Skype is best for more activity.
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The kills you must get is 4 in one game i must see it i might put you on youtube heroe eliminations are worth 2 points and im not kidding

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