StarEdge-The COSMOS Project (Official RP)

In Central City on the planet Inops, Lillis and Townes ran southward at full speed down a narrow street. On their right was a wall of buildings, mostly derelict and abandoned, and on their left was a thirty foot drop to a canal, about six yards wide. Behind the two men by about fifty strides was a group of a half a dozen men, each of them armed. One of the men chasing the two finished reloading a compact rifle and fired it one-handed. Lillis’s hat, a black derby, was struck by the bullet and flew off his head. He leapt awkwardly to catch it before it hit the ground, stumbling slightly and falling a few paces behind. As he leapt a bullet struck the ground where his feet had been.

“Well, at least you picked a group what can’t shoot, eh Junior?” shouted Lillis

“Let’s hope they can’t run either!” replied Townes without looking back. Suddenly, he stopped short in his tracks, and Lillis did the same behind him. They had come to a ledge. About ten yards below them was a canal, the waters of which were opaque and brown in color, with a thick steam rising off of them. It smelt even worse here than it did in the dry parts of the city.

“Well” said the largest, meanest looking man among their pursuers, as he advanced toward Townes and Lillis “Looks as though you two rats’r cornered.”

“Alright” said Lillis, glancing down toward the canal “You got us. I reckon it’s about time you grant us the slow and painful death we deserve, eh?”

Noticing the downward glance, the man cocked his shotgun at Lillis

“Do not e’en think about jumping, got that? If’n the water don’t eat right through you, that what’s swimmin’ in it will do. And by the by, there’ll be nothing slow ‘bout your death. I intend to finish this right now. If you boys have any sense in you, trying to con Max Allandale is the biggest regret you got."

“Well actually” said Lillis, glancing down again “Right about now, my greatest regret is that the boat going underneath us is a garbage barge.”

Townes tipped his hat

“Better luck next time, eh?”

As he was speaking, he and Lillis leaned backward, falling from the ledge.

Townes landed on the barge with a splat, followed a few seconds afterward by Lillis. It was covered mostly with sludge which had been scraped off of the streets or filtered out of the canals.

“Quick” said Townes “Get under the trash”

“Townes, this is nigh to my very favorite suit I’m wearing here, and it’s close to ruined, but I know a dry cleaner on Cymbeline who might be able to—“

He was interrupted by a bullet landing just to the left of his ear, splashing up some sludge.

“Well, unless you want that wide with the rifle having his fair pick on where to clip you next” said Townes, burying himself deeper into the sludge “I recommend you go right ahead and start digging.”

Lillis reluctantly began nestling into the side of the trash mound.

“This is without a doubt the worst planet we have ever been to”
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Orbus slunked backwards onto the ground. One of his best friends had just been shot... He could smell the blood and stench of death in the air. He gave Kessler a moment of silence, and then looked at Darius.

"We need to get off this planet... Now. I know a secret way to the Docking Bay through the underground here... Tell me you have a ship."
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  • #18
Darius was still silent. He recognized the voice that had spoken directly to them. He had been the one who had single-handedly slaughtered five of the Resistance's best men not two weeks ago. He had been there when they received the final transmission from a panicked ally, screaming about some pale monster murdering the rest of his friends. On the other side of a barricaded door, the same calm, cold voice came through, letting the Resistance fighter no that there was no use in running. The transmission had cut off after that. It certainly did not make Darius feel better knowing that this same individual was apparently leading Cykris's Querymen.
Shaking himself out of his shock, Darius turned to Orbus.
"I do have a ship, the Silverwing. Before we go, I need to grab Dr. Kessler's notes. They could be of use."
Darius slowly stepped out of the large closet, bracing himself to run. But he found the place totally empty. there was a speck of blood on the floor, but the place otherwise looked virtually unchanged from it's original state. Even Kessler was gone. Whether he was still alive, or they had simply removed his body, Darius could not say, but his hopes were not high. Quickly grabbing a file labled "Allis Data", Darius headed back into the secret room.
"Lead the way."
Orbus nodded, grabbed Darius's webbed hand, and took off. He weaved through the underground tunnels, making various turns in the darkness at precise points no mere tracker would ever be able to follow. And strangely enough, the tunnels were cool, and stink free. It seemed that below the surface of the trash ridden planet, it had a pleasant smell. One that would actually be attractive to certain species for living area.

After a good while of running through the darkness, Orbus stopped, turned, and pushed a side of the wall. The grainy surface slid open to reveal a stocking room, into which the two of them entered. Orbus manuvered through the many canisters and tanks in the room and made his way to a door, to which he turned the handle and grinned. The door opened, and the two of them stepped out onto the Docking Bay with Darius's ship in sight.

"Ball is in your court now, Darius. Where to?"
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  • #20
"That big ship up ahead is mine. We'll want to make sure that no Cykris agents follow our trail, but--"
Darius suddenly stopped and pushed Orbus behind a nearby cruiser, following. Next to his ship, Queryman Hox was keeping guard, eyes flitting back and forth for any sign of Darius or Orbus.
"Well, this isn't good."
“So what now, Junior?” said Lillis as he and Townes entered a seedy tavern, sopping wet and covered with sludge.

“Well, I reckon Allandale will have more than just those fools up his sleeve to throw at us. He's not too big, but he’s big enough that we ought to clear off Inops.”

“Believe me, I will not be sorry to see us leave this ball. I still don't right know how you talked me into coming here in the first place.”

“I tell you, Lillis, there’s no world spinning outside of Inops where they're desperate enough to fall for a con like that. If those wides what gave us the money hadn’t stolen it off of Max Allandale, we’d be in the clear. Besides, let’s not forget that this job was a success, eh?”

Townes opened his jacket very slightly such that only Lillis could see in. His inside pockets were stuffed with cash. He then took two cigars out of his outside pocket. They were in a plastic bag, and thus still dry.

"Eh?" said Townes, smiling hopefully "Right? Job's a good'n?"

“Alright, fine." said Lillis, taking one of the cigars. "Job's a good'n. Still, it could’ve been a hundred thousand quid; I say it still wouldn’t have been worth a trip to the trash heap of the galaxy. Anyway, let’s talk pilots.”

“Okay. What about Silver? She’s still on Fort Stank, right?”

“I’m not right certain Silver would be thrilled to see me again. What about Fletcher”

“Nay, he’s been in the Tlaloc system for the past few months, as I know it.”

“Right…” said Lillis, exhaling some cigar smoke

“You know, I think I might have heard that Noss is in town. He still owes us after that business with the Carcharans.”

“Okay, good. Let’s give him a call.”

Lillis turned to the bartender

“Say, you got a wire we can borrow?”

The bartender grunted and jerked his head in the direction of a small box on the far end of the bar. Lillis turned a knob on its side, causing an image to project upward from a somewhat grimy lens. The image was a menu screen, displaying a few options. It was dim, and tinged a faint green, which was only slightly improved by Townes wiping the lens off with a dusty napkin. Lillis jabbed his finger at a floating cube which read “Make Call”. The image shrunk back into the lens, and a robotic-sounding female voice said.

“Welcome to HoloCom Communications. Please state the name of the extension you would like to reach.”

“Ship: Emerald Moon” said Lillis. The voice was silent for a few moments.

“Please repeat.”

“Ship: Emerald Moon” repeated Lillis, somewhat annoyed. The voice was quiet again.

“Displaying… two… nearby results. Would you like to contact…” the voice was replaced by a much deeper and more mechanical sounding one as it said “Gerumbio Noss”, then returned to the more pleasant voice “or…” Lillis interrupted

“Yes. Gerumbio Noss.”

The voice paused for about six seconds.

“Calling… Emerald Moon… Gerumbio Noss.”

There was a low humming noise as the call was made, then an image of a pear shaped ship rose upward from the lens.

“You've reached the Emerald Moon”
said a woman's voice.

“Emmy!” Said Lillis “Is that you?”

“Hello, James Lillis.”

“Well, you sound just great. How’s old Rockskin treatin’ you?”

“Mr. Noss’s ship maintenance has been perfectly adequate.”

“Well, that’s right good to hear, that is. Say, speaking of Grumby, he doesn’t happen to be there, does he?”
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Orbus grinned.

"You just let me handle that, Darius... They are looking for you, they have no idea who I am nor what I look like. When I give the signal, you get on that ship, I'll follow you soon after."

Without waiting for a reply, Orbus left Darius's side and began strolling towards the guard in a most liesurely fashion. Queryman Hox scowled at the young man approaching him, stupidly whistling about and nonchalantly minding his own business. Without warning, Orbus playfully chucked a small pebble at Hox. It hit him on the nose. Hox grumbled and angrily ran to confront the youth.

"Why you little son of a!"

"Wait a sec big man, wait a sec I just wanted to tell you a joke!"

Hox stopped his fist from crushing the youth's head for a moment. He cocked his head and looked at the young man, obviously waiting for the joke.

Orbus grinned. "Ok... What do the giant fat slugs of Narcresta nickname their waste?"

Hox grumbled and shrugged his shoulders.

"A Kanhund!" And with that, Orbus kicked the bull-dog like alien in the face, and took off running.

"Why you! How dere you insult My rrrrrace like that!!!" The alien ran after the young man, leaping at him wildly. Orbus gave Darius the signal to board the ship, and he did. After a few moments, Hox had cornered Orbus and was bearing down on him. Looking quickly for some way away from the bull-dogish alien, his eye caught a pile of human bones. He grasped one of the bones, and Hox quirked his head at him for a moment.

"Here boy, fetch!" Orbus yelled as he smacked Hox in the forehead with the leg bone. Orbus took off and jumped on the landing ramp of Darius's ship and ran inside. He just hopes Darius had gotten the engine started.
Aelan sighed as she landed into the port at Inops. It was not often that she had to make any trips here, but she hated it everytime. She hated the smell and she hated the people. There was always that awful thought at the back of her mind that something would happen to her ship, even though common sense told her that if she did not even leave it, or if trusty ARP was on it, then it would be fine. The other part of this stupid planet that she hated was that the deliveries were never interesting in the slightest.
This job was pretty dull. All that she had to do was dock and have a few crates taken out of the back and collect the payment. At least the ship would be lighter on the way back, she mused, not really caring either way.
As the ship came to a complete stop, she addressed ARP. "Well, how goes it? All systems normal, right?" she asked, not really expecting anything out of the ordinary.
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  • #24
As Orbus began his distraction, Darius bolted inside the Silverwing and got into the cockpit.
That kid is pretty brave... messing with the Querymen is usually not a good idea.
Just as the main engines powered on, Orbus ran in. Behind him, Darius could hear the mad yelps of the Queryman.
"Let's get out of here!"
Darius blasted out of the docking bay full throttle, speeding off of Inops.
"Well, we got away, but this might be a fleeting victory. We need to find somewhere else nearby to lay low, if we just keep going we're sure to be caught by the Querymen before we reach a jump point."
Darius scanned the area for any vessels or nearby planets. His eyes fell on a very familiar green ship shaped like a pear. Darius smiled beneath his mask.
"Gerumbio. Looks like we're in luck."
The Silverwing sped off towards the trade ship.
Yes Mr. Lillis, Master Noss is here, but he is hiding in the back room
"Emmy! I told you to lie to them!"
"Well, Lillis, Townes... What have you gotten yourselves into this time?"
Orbus felt a bit uneasy in a space ship. It was the first time he had ever left his home planet and for the first time in his life, not only did he not know what to do, but he had literally limitless options in front of him. Orbus was still breathing heravily, and gave Darius a puzzled look.

"What's a Gerumbio?"

Ooc: Whoops.... lmao
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"Rocky, how you been?" said Lillis, addressing a projected image of Gerumbio Noss that had just appeared "Loving the 'stache. Makes you look like Bill Nayroy. So listen; me and Townes are looking to clear off of this rubbish pile. Any chance we might be able to hitch a ride once you've finished..." Lillis sniffed the air, then winced "...whatever business compelled you to come here?"
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"Everything is normal, Aelan...Although there do seem to be an unusual number of Querymen making some sort of fuss. Do you know what this means?" ARP looked at his owner, hoping she would catch on.
"...It means that there are probably members of the rebellion around here! Aelan, this could be our chance! We can finally get out of this delivery service job, and do something actually important with our lives."
While waiting for Aelan to respond, ARP decided to do something he only did when situations seemed to need that extra boost of sincerity. He switched his emoting screen to a smile, and turned to his friend.
"Aelan...I say we drop off our load, and follow the next ship out of here."
Aelan blinked at ARP. However much she hated this job, she was afraid of the unknown. But, she figured, could anything really be worse than feeling useless?

She grinned slyly, "Sure! Why not? Let's just pick up the payment from this shipment first... hmm?" At least they could have some money on them. The people on Inops usually paid in hard money for most had no credit to speak of.

Looking around the dock, she saw the few Querymen, but had yet to figure out which ships had rebels. "Hey, do you have any idea WHO to follow?"
"Rebellion ships, or the Empire's ships...What's it matter?" ARP smirked and continued, "Either way, we'll get in on some sort of action."
When Aelan looked at him skeptically, ARP pretended to carefully survey the ships in the docking bay and surrounding area. A silvery blue ship was the first to catch his eye, and he turned back to Aelan saying, "You know how I'm always saying that gaudy shades of silvery blue are the colors of justice? Why don't we follow that bright one over there? Even we shouldn't have any trouble tailing something that looks like that."
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