star wars the force unleashed on wii

Sovieto said:
nah they stated this at like comic con or something a year ago..couldve been e3.. something like: "if star wars unleashed does come to the wii, it wont be the star wars game everyone is looking forward to"
look it up kiddies :)
edit: if there is a light saber thing added into this will probably be gimmicky and not what everyone was expecting..since this game isnt focused on lightsaber battles so much

yeah I was pretty bummed out when I heard that too... But didn't they also say that there would possibly be a Wii only game that would put the light saber in our hands... The hope of that is the main reasion why I bought a Wii... well that and the fact that with the Wii my wife will actually play video games with me...
I'm hoping they won't water it down too much for the wii because it's not quite as powerful as the 360 or the ps3. 'cause I noticed ithe wii and the PS2 versions are being developed by the same people. I hope wii will still get euphoria and DMM.
the lightsaber swinging wil probably be similar to that of Twilight Princess
Clish said:
the lightsaber swinging wil probably be similar to that of Twilight Princess

I agree but am hoping they will create it to be more controlable. Like, whereever you swing the lightsabor the sword goes. They could do it, just the wii hand. That would be very cool. That would make this game a must get.