SSX Blur Uber tricks

Yer its a shame so many Wii games are still being overlooked for online play. AND I still hate the Friend Code system.... its too...claustrophobic
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Has anyone unlocked all the uber tricks?...I haven't played in a while, but have three or four unlocked...

Has anyone mastered the music note uber yet? i still cant get it to work.
does anyone know if there is a cheat to get all the uber tricks on ssx. if not how do u get new ones... reply
I just unlocked all 8 Ubertricks. Here are some tipss:

- For the music note, if you do it slowly and make it small, it usually works
- For the "double U", do it slowly and kind of small
- For the vertical double zig-zag, I figured out that you really just have to go up and down, you don't really have to go in the diagonal direction that is displayed in the image
- For the one that is a triangle with the loop at the top, do it medium sized and kind of slow -- this one is hard to do

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