SSX Blur Uber tricks

Such a good game. I find the controls really responsive.
Ubertricks are harder, but not impossible. I've been able to do a couple of them. The slalom races are a pain, but I think I just need to practice it.
Skorp said:
I can't get this one for the life of me, I've gotten it successfully like 4 times total through the start menu. I'll try it sideways later when I get some time.

Hey Skorp let me know if you manage to nail the double U uber with my method. I'm curious to know if it works as good for someone else as it does for me. I've now unlocked the music note uber, which took me a little while to get down but I figured out that making it smaller works better. However,
many of my attempts of it have ended up making my character do the infinity symbol uber over and over. It sweet when I do get it properly.

Pulling off any uber in this game is more satisfying than any uber in a previous game.
SSX is a really good game.

However, I can't understand why the Uber moves are so difficult - surely the Wii Controllers are better than that - or just crap implementation. You will need the Uber moves to progress through the game. This is causing people a lot of problems.

Also, whats with slalom, the difficulty level is much higher than others.
I think the problem with slalom is people are taking it completely the wrong way. You're not supposed to be cruising through the gates like you would in real life. You litterally have to take it easy and do some good carving to make
it trough each gate properly. Doing that actually gets you a better time (usually good enough to get first) than going through the gates too fast.
I got the Slalom's sorted now, trick is its not just side to side buy actually slightly doubling back on urself after each gate, once u get it the first time it becomes the easiest part of the game..

Does the heart uber only work with skies?
the heart uber works with snowboards too, i found them really easy to do, think the trickiest part was the timing of pressing/releasing the A button. The moves themselves seem pretty responsive. my only advice is to press it a little early, and let go a little late :)

i've gotten gold in most of the events on peak 1, to unlock 2 do you have to get gold in the first tournament?
To unlock peak 2 i got gold on all the peak1 events (took me a while) and got gold in the first 2 tournaments. I think also won all the challanges on peak 1 that you come across in free riding down the mounting, but I dunno if they have anything to do with unlocking peak 2.

The heart Uber Icon has never flashed up on screen for me when I've been using a board and I've never managed to pull it off either except on skies? Maybe i just need more practice.

To unlock new Uber's you have to find a certain number of icons relating to that Uber when free riding right? On peak one I have about 15/20 of a certain uber but cant find the last 5, will they be on peak 2? Or do the three peaks have individual new uber's to collect?
nickhopkins said:
To unlock new Uber's you have to find a certain number of icons relating to that Uber when free riding right? On peak one I have about 15/20 of a certain uber but cant find the last 5, will they be on peak 2? Or do the three peaks have individual new uber's to collect?

I'm not sure if each peak has individual new uber's to collect, but here's something very interesting I figured out.

So there are 12 Ubertricks, and you start with 4, leaving 8 of them to unlock. There are 275 collectibles scattered around the 3 peaks. Now, if you have 8 Ubertricks and each Ubertrick takes 20 collectibles, how many collectibles would that be? 160 collectibles. So, there are more than 20 collectibles for one Ubertrick. To prove this, I have 24/20 collectibles on one of my unlocked Ubertricks.
EK987 said:
I'm not sure if each peak has individual new uber's to collect, but here's something very interesting I figured out.

So there are 12 Ubertricks, and you start with 4, leaving 8 of them to unlock. There are 275 collectibles scattered around the 3 peaks. Now, if you have 8 Ubertricks and each Ubertrick takes 20 collectibles, how many collectibles would that be? 160 collectibles. So, there are more than 20 collectibles for one Ubertrick. To prove this, I have 24/20 collectibles on one of my unlocked Ubertricks.

Yeah I posted this in another thread but true.

nickhopkins said:
To unlock peak 2 i got gold on all the peak1 events (took me a while) and got gold in the first 2 tournaments. I think also won all the challanges on peak 1 that you come across in free riding down the mounting, but I dunno if they have anything to do with unlocking peak 2.

The heart Uber Icon has never flashed up on screen for me when I've been using a board and I've never managed to pull it off either except on skies? Maybe i just need more practice.

To unlock new Uber's you have to find a certain number of icons relating to that Uber when free riding right? On peak one I have about 15/20 of a certain uber but cant find the last 5, will they be on peak 2? Or do the three peaks have individual new uber's to collect?

If you go to the tournaments menu it'll say how many points you need to do each tournament. In the description it'll say whether the tournament unlocks a peak or not. You get points from placing in the events.
ThrillSeeker said:
Hey Skorp let me know if you manage to nail the double U uber with my method. I'm curious to know if it works as good for someone else as it does for me.

I haven't really played SSX since I couldn't figure out that uber. I'll get back to it eventually but I'm super busy with school and Mario Sunshine has been taking my gaming time up. I'll surely let you know when I do get back to Blur though.
HELL YEA! After leaving SSX alone for 2days I returned to it with your tips in mind... and on 2nd attempt landed my first Ubertrick.. shortly followed by my third... and fourth...etc etc
All shapes are easy once you perfect the 'Z' shape. Draw nice and slowly, and keep the Wiimote as 'flat' as possible, pointing towards the TV.
Also helps if you hold A before, during AND after youve done trick, then you'll grab AFTER the Ubertrick and get stacks of points.
ZOMG!!! Thx for the tips, I was so excited once I finally landed one :D:D
I have no prob getting them to work, just practice them in the ubertricks menu

I have a 21'' TV, and I playe 1 meter away from the tv which is really close. I found that if I point the wii remote towards my TV, and draw the ubertrick symbol taking all of the space of the monitor, it always works. In other words, dont be afraid to make big shapes.

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