SSX Blur Uber tricks

Saving up for some upcoming releases but I think I'll check this out once the price drop comes
I've unlocked 4 Ubertricks! The squigly one (start at bottom right and draw to the left and finish it like a squigle), then the one that looks sort of like an "M" with rounded tips, the music note, and the triangular one. I've done all of these but the easiest one for me is the squigly one. The triangular one and the music note are by far some of the sickest tricks I've ever seen, I went crazy when I pulled them off for the first time!
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EK987 said:
I've unlocked 4 Ubertricks! The squigly one (start at bottom right and draw to the left and finish it like a squigle), then the one that looks sort of like an "M" with rounded tips, the music note, and the triangular one. I've done all of these but the easiest one for me is the squigly one. The triangular one and the music note are by far some of the sickest tricks I've ever seen, I went crazy when I pulled them off for the first time!

I've only unlocked the music note...and haven't been able to pull it off yet.
....wiiiiiii..... said:
how is the multi player in this game?

Not sure, I haven't tried it. I think it'd only be fun with some one else that has this game because it would take a day or two of practice for some one who doesn't.
I really cant get the Ubertricks down... i do the practice ones fine (like when you pause the game and go into it), but in Tutorial they dont work at all! Why cant it have like an on-screen trail when you draw them!?!?!
Anyway, what techiques do people use to pull them off in game? I use 'A' for 'ollie'... so are u meant to hold A and let go of A for ollie... hold A whilst drawing shape again.. then let go of A and hope the trick works?
What confirmation is there that youve landed the Ubertrick??
Any specific techniques on getting them to work right?
You DO NOT have to do the trick that is displayed on the bottom. You can do any of the tricks you've unlocked. It helps alot to pick a trick to do before you hit the ramp so you are ready to the do the motion when the time comes. If you suddenly decide to do one mid air or try to do the one displayed you'll go too fast or just do it entirely wrong.

Make sure you can do it consistently in the ubertricks menu tester thingy first too. When you're in the air pretend you're doing it for the tester, calmly, slowly, and accurately. Once you get a few ubertricks, you'll get the hang of it. The first few are the hardest.
The ubers are so easy to pull off just about anywhere once you figure out the perfect method to draw them. I can do any uber I have anytime I want (I haven't unlocked all of them).
The second last uber was the hardest for me to figure out how the hell to do, BUT I tried turning the wiimote sideways when I draw it, and it basically makes that uber a joke to do. I'm referring to the one where you make a u to the right then a huge u to the left.

Essentially the ubers become just as easy as the developers intended if you get
down the perfect method to draw them by practicing on the uber practice screen.
Once you figure out the right way to move the wiimote it's snap :D

Oh and to make my post more include:
--Make slow, calm accurate motions (you have time)
--I've noticed the key to getting the uber to register is when you let go of A.
Seriously letting go of A at the right time makes all the difference.
--I've also noticed that keeping your arm straight for some of them helps you stay on
track so you don't go all over trying to draw the shape.
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I have to say I've not had any problems getting the Uber tricks sorted. That isnt me showing off cause i'm not usually a natural gamer and I do tend to have to put in a lot of time and effort before getting a game sorted, it seems to take me longer to pick up a new game the older I get, I never had any problems with New Zealand story back in the day!! But half an hour's practice on the halfpipe and I can pull off all the uber tricks I have unlocked almost everytime. I found it helps to hold the z button when your hitting the ramp, it does use up some of ur uber so dont keep it held down but it gets u higher in the air and gives u more time to pull of ur trick.

Im sure in SSX tricky you could pull off more then one ubertrick per jump to get loads of points has anyone managed to do this with Bur?

On another point is anyone having trouble with the slalom missions? I can do them to save my life, the big air missions also dont seem to have enough jumps to get enough points to get 1st place.
nickhopkins said:
Im sure in SSX tricky you could pull off more then one ubertrick per jump to get loads of points has anyone managed to do this with Bur?

On another point is anyone having trouble with the slalom missions? I can do them to save my life, the big air missions also dont seem to have enough jumps to get enough points to get 1st place.

Yes, sometimes I pull off a bunch of ubertricks in halfpipes per jump. I just do the loop over and over because it's the easiest ubertrick to do.

Slalom races are very hard, and many people have problems with them. I suggest going into options and then into controls. I think you press 1 (I'm not sure, it'll tell you at the bottom of the screen) to tune the controls (or something close to that). There are 2 sides -- 1 is the Nunchuk side, the other is the analog stick side. As a default, the controls are tuned closer to the Nunchuk side (carve by twisting Nunchuk). Just move the little bar to the right, so it is at the analog stick side (carve by using analog stick).

Now, with the big air missions, I just try to get my Uber bar filled up before the first jump so I can pull of 1 or 2 Ubertricks for the jump.
Make the designs required to preform a specific Uber trick rather slowly instead of trying to do it fast..that solved a lot of the problems I was running into when attempting to do an Uber..and with slalom..if you go into options and tune the controls to what you need like EK987 stated it gets very very very easy.
when i went on my m8s i could hardly land a couple of backflips! lol, i also prefer using the ski-ers ( sp ) rather than the snowboarders
nickhopkins said:
Im sure in SSX tricky you could pull off more then one ubertrick per jump to get loads of points has anyone managed to do this with Bur?

On another point is anyone having trouble with the slalom missions? I can do them to save my life, the big air missions also dont seem to have enough jumps to get enough points to get 1st place.

The key is to go slow for slalom. You need to start the right way or you'll miss alot. I've gotten all the flags on all three peaks. It's more important to make a flag than to go fast, the 15s penalty is killer. Also I think its easier with snowboards than skis, at least in my experience. I'd also suggest getting more stat points, I have Psymon's stats maxxed out and it makes it alot easier I think. Also when you're reaching a new "group" of flags, make sure you're going slow and start right. Watch some videos on youtube to give you an idea of what you're aiming for and how it's done properly.

For big air, it's important to get as many tricks in on the jumps as possible, ubers if possible. But that can be made much easier but doing a jump and a quick flip or a couple spins before you hit your first big jump. That way your groove meter is higher and the big tricks get multiplied by more. In addition if there is a Boost or "A" thingy make sure you hit those to get your groove meter up. Remember your meter has to be past the third level to do ubers, this is important. Don't use your boost too much cause it'll eat up your meter and you won't be able to do ubers or get the higher multiplier.

ThrillSeeker said:
The second last uber was the hardest for me to figure out how the hell to do, BUT I tried turning the wiimote sideways when I draw it, and it basically makes that uber a joke to do. I'm referring to the one where you make a u to the right then a huge u to the left.

I can't get this one for the life of me, I've gotten it successfully like 4 times total through the start menu. I'll try it sideways later when I get some time.
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