SSBM - Advanced how to Play

hm tricks u sound like u know what ur talking about, but in reality i dont think u are as good as u make yourself "seem" im not saying that ur telling eveybody that u are very good, but what u do say gives the impresion of what most pple have been saying which is "i can own u all" Y dont u recod yourselfe playing and post it so we can all see the way u can actually play.
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Lol when I get a new camera I will, but first comment on this video. And you know, even if I wasn't as good as I seem, I'm still probably better than you. I get pissed off at people who say "I could probably beat any of you" and then "Mewtwo is a great character, way better than Jiggs." They obviously know very little about the game beyond the basics.
Trickz said:
Lol when I get a new camera I will, but first comment on this video. And you know, even if I wasn't as good as I seem, I'm still probably better than you. I get pissed off at people who say "I could probably beat any of you" and then "Mewtwo is a great character, way better than Jiggs." They obviously know very little about the game beyond the basics.

Saying this makes me want Brawl to release even faster so I can silence anyone that plays me...
ssbb_lover you can beat me in SSBM - it doesn't really matter how much technical skill you have developed in the game it's more to do with how to implement it well with your character and your opponent that makes you a better fighter. Technical skill can lead you so far but if you don't have the mindgames then you will fall short of being a good smasher.

For example (this was a real event) my cousin came around to my place after not seeing him for like 3 months due to exams, holidays etc. We played smash and he was beating me in alot of battles although I had practised alot with techs and got them down to the point where I could do them without thinking much. And all he did was find the right opportunity to attack me. And I was being flashy and not looking good at the same time. And my cousin is what you would call a noob smasher.

Then my fighting skill suddenly clicked in after this one battle (Marth ditto) and I found myself (almost accidentally and easily) confusing him to the point where he couldn't control the battle for one minute at a time because I was constantly confusing him with unpredictable attacks (mindgames). Then SSBM became a hell lot more fun after that particular event.

But you can beat me - pick sheik and then do tilts all day long until i have enough damage to hit me with a fair. That is if I fall for it lol.

Trickz - I agree with you that if you play smash at a basic level (noob style), then beating anyone with any character is possible. Unless you are fighting a against a sheik player. Run b*tch RUUUUNNNN!! (taken from scary movie 1)
Mewtwo is a bad player on a serious level as he has huge lag times between attacks so there's one reason why he is not better than Jiggs. Jiggs is better as he / she has higher priority attacks (side b, fair, bair and the rest attack - die from low percentages!) and has good recovery.
Dark Void said:
hm tricks u sound like u know what ur talking about, but in reality i dont think u are as good as u make yourself "seem" im not saying that ur telling eveybody that u are very good, but what u do say gives the impresion of what most pple have been saying which is "i can own u all" Y dont u recod yourselfe playing and post it so we can all see the way u can actually play.
actually Trickz is quite good i played him on SSB Online, but i know it's not the same but im pretty Confident that Trickz is very good and he most prolly could beat most people here but not all
linkzeldagame said:
ssbb_lover you can beat me in SSBM - it doesn't really matter how much technical skill you have developed in the game it's more to do with how to implement it well with your character and your opponent that makes you a better fighter. Technical skill can lead you so far but if you don't have the mindgames then you will fall short of being a good smasher.

For example (this was a real event) my cousin came around to my place after not seeing him for like 3 months due to exams, holidays etc. We played smash and he was beating me in alot of battles although I had practised alot with techs and got them down to the point where I could do them without thinking much. And all he did was find the right opportunity to attack me. And I was being flashy and not looking good at the same time. And my cousin is what you would call a noob smasher.

Then my fighting skill suddenly clicked in after this one battle (Marth ditto) and I found myself (almost accidentally and easily) confusing him to the point where he couldn't control the battle for one minute at a time because I was constantly confusing him with unpredictable attacks (mindgames). Then SSBM became a hell lot more fun after that particular event.

But you can beat me - pick sheik and then do tilts all day long until i have enough damage to hit me with a fair. That is if I fall for it lol.

Trickz - I agree with you that if you play smash at a basic level (noob style), then beating anyone with any character is possible. Unless you are fighting a against a sheik player. Run b*tch RUUUUNNNN!! (taken from scary movie 1)
Mewtwo is a bad player on a serious level as he has huge lag times between attacks so there's one reason why he is not better than Jiggs. Jiggs is better as he / she has higher priority attacks (side b, fair, bair and the rest attack - die from low percentages!) and has good recovery.

lol i bet he probaly plays as marth :lol: :lol: :lol:
How do you play online? I've been trying to play for ages. I've been enering tourneys at local stores and stuff, won everyone, but I've been trying to play online for quite sometime.
Trickz said:
Lol when I get a new camera I will, but first comment on this video. And you know, even if I wasn't as good as I seem, I'm still probably better than you. I get pissed off at people who say "I could probably beat any of you" and then "Mewtwo is a great character, way better than Jiggs." They obviously know very little about the game beyond the basics.

1) then hurry up and get a new camera because im positive u can not beat me.
2)I agree that Jiggs is better than mewtwo i never said she was. In fact i play as her sometimes ansk Mr_Stoukaph and i can do more than rest kill people as her.
3) ROFLMFAO watch online vids on dial up.... not something im about to atempt a second time >_<

sasuke747 said:
actually Trickz is quite good i played him on SSB Online, but i know it's not the same but im pretty Confident that Trickz is very good and he most prolly could beat most people here but not all

well good for u but were talking about ssbm here they are not the same games as moves were changed from the n64 version to the gamecube version.
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Why don't you put a vid online. Go watch the video at one of your friends houses, because I will not argue with you until you see it. Technical skill is not enough to win a match, but I don't play to be flashy. I'll kill my opponents and look like crap doing it, but I don't risk losing in serious matches. Mindgames > Technical skill, as LinkZeldaGame mentioned. Mario_Famous, you sound pretty confident, go on and look for a tourny in your area. Perform well at one of those. You sound like you could be pretty good. Oh and finally, SSB may not be SSBM, but you need skill in one to be good at the other. Just look at Isai, best SSB player, but not best SSBM. He's still in the top 10 though.
hm, just watched the vid..... not impreses at all. I liked the first three combos in unision, very good, the other stuff is very unecesary to win. I could easily beat u, with you using those moves =p OH and chain grab is funny lol.
Trickz said:
Why don't you put a vid online. Go watch the video at one of your friends houses, because I will not argue with you until you see it. Technical skill is not enough to win a match, but I don't play to be flashy. I'll kill my opponents and look like crap doing it, but I don't risk losing in serious matches. Mindgames > Technical skill, as LinkZeldaGame mentioned. Mario_Famous, you sound pretty confident, go on and look for a tourny in your area. Perform well at one of those. You sound like you could be pretty good. Oh and finally, SSB may not be SSBM, but you need skill in one to be good at the other. Just look at Isai, best SSB player, but not best SSBM. He's still in the top 10 though.

I already tried registering there, an error occured, besides I already mangled up somebody thats on the top 10 list, it was quite an easy match for me.
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Dark Void said:
hm, just watched the vid..... not impreses at all. I liked the first three combos in unision, very good, the other stuff is very unecesary to win. I could easily beat u, with you using those moves =p OH and chain grab is funny lol.

Not impressive at all? Not neccecary to win? Ok then. Your my number one target. Some people know when they're outclassed, but you seem to be completely into this "I beat my friends so I own you all" mentallity. And from what I've heard about you, you can't even beat your friends all the time. So what makes you think your so good? What makes you so sure you can beat me? Would you wager on it?

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