SSBB Settings Thread

spiff-ssbb said:
if by deleted you mean removed from the game completely then i agree that should never happen. but with regards to turning them off for tourney play. the reason is that the purpose of a tourney event is to see which person can best utilize a character's move set to full potential. to win a big event you need a combination of skill, knowledge, timing, spacing and most importantly you need to be unpredictable. the reason items are disabled is because it takes away from that. NOT because items are cheap and easy to use though. its because they fall or appear at random times in random places giving the closest person an unfair advantage. if character could be provided with a set arsinal of items that would be a different story. but it takes away from the skill factor because you can never predict where they might come from so even if you completely out play your opponent they could still win by good fortune with item placements.

I've never been involved with any tournaments, but I can see where you're coming from in that they do add an element of randomness to the game which has nothing to do with skill. However, I honestly believe (note: personal opinion) that turning them off does detract from the gameplay. I'm only a bit funny about turning items off when playing recreationally.
AndThen? said:
I've never been involved with any tournaments, but I can see where you're coming from in that they do add an element of randomness to the game which has nothing to do with skill. However, I honestly believe (note: personal opinion) that turning them off does detract from the gameplay. I'm only a bit funny about turning items off when playing recreationally.
ya i see what you mean. personally i rarely play with them but thats just my personal preference. i used to play with them alot. they can be lots of fun. just more intense i find without them
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Guys, there's a reason I didn't call this thread "The argue over items thread". If we could move on to more stage using and what characters. And as for tourney playing, some people will play tournaments, some will not. The people that don't like items and like 1v1s or want to play competitively will do tourneys. The people that would rather play with items on and do 1v1v1v1 and could care less about who is "pro" and who isn't won't do tourney play. I personally don't play tourney, am I right? no, am I wrong? no, I just simply play the way I can get the most enjoyment out of the game. And as for skill level, tourney players wouldn't do as good as 1v1v1v1 players in a FFA, and FFA players wouldn't do as good as tourney players in a 1v1. So if we could get past the whole tourney thing, it's going to end up being 50 50 percent. I'm not saying tourney talk isn't allowed, it just misses the point of the thread.
Items are fun when set on medium, it equally balances the matches to me.

BTW, SSBBdude, your sig is revealing spoilers :scared: :lol:
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I'll put spoiler tags around it if I get too many complaints, but I tried to keep it basic characters, I might need to take wolf off though for a while. I'm thinking about getting rid of it though, not sure it's a great signature but I like it.

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