SSBB Control Sets on Wii-mote?

Back to the controls. Last I heard the game will support the gc controllers to eliminate difficulties of the wiimote. It would just be to hard to play a fighting game with two pieces of hardware in your hand.
Wii_Rulez said:
We'll see when it comes out. Online Tourney:D Of cousre I can beat my friends in Melee and anyone else fot that matter:p
lol, you keep say that your good but try to beat my record that I did in the tournement I play in and it ws the same place E3 took place and the record was ko the computer as much times as you can in level nine in about 3 minutes and I ko'ed the computer 12 times if you don't bieleve the hole tournement thingy I can prove it to you when the wii comes.
i haye to burst your bubbles, but in the latest issue of egm (august) nintendo told them "you might want to keep an extra gamecube controller around, because with the fast gameplay of SSBB the wiimote would be unpractical"
SolidSnake said:
lol, you keep say that your good but try to beat my record that I did in the tournement I play in and it ws the same place E3 took place and the record was ko the computer as much times as you can in level nine in about 3 minutes and I ko'ed the computer 12 times if you don't bieleve the hole tournement thingy I can prove it to you when the wii comes.
I believe you. I just beileve I'm better:p We'll See:lol:
I really don't see a future of ssbb with the wiimote. Nintendo might put out a control set on the mote for the game, and also put out a gc control set. The thing is that everyone will be so used to the gamecube controller that it might be to hard to switch over to the motes control set.
I think people will use the classic controller (vc) cause maybe it was the controller made for SSBB and leave the gc controller... because the vc controller is maybe more configurated to play SSBB
Or maybe they just use the gamecube controller like they are saying they are.
SolidSnake said:
lol, you keep say that your good but try to beat my record that I did in the tournement I play in and it ws the same place E3 took place and the record was ko the computer as much times as you can in level nine in about 3 minutes and I ko'ed the computer 12 times if you don't bieleve the hole tournement thingy I can prove it to you when the wii comes.
Do you know what a date is?
Haha seriously. If there is a date then people can look it up online and see if you actually did it or not. Also maybe because the kid above me ^ actually knows who you are and went to that same tournement and wants to see if you telling the truth. Mystery solved! lol
no no, i wanted to find out whether this guy has ever been on a date (noun).....with a member of the fairer in a movie or dinner.......while he was defeating 12 level 9's in 3 minutes....
Haha even more funny than what I was thinking of. Very clever stupidpoems, very clever.
Italian_Boy1Up said:
They are allowing cube controllers and making updated ones. End of story.

While I would imagine Nintendo will release new Gamecube controllers that'll have similar colors to the Wii and might even put some new buttons on them, like the home,+, and - buttons that are on the Wiimote, that's just speculation, as far as I know.

Do you have a source, or were you just guessing, like me?
you should use the gamecube controller or classic controller cuz they're made for it and using the wii-mote wouldnt give us the ssb feel.

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