Squeal on cheaters!!!

Those who cheat

HACKERS? Well, it doesnt matter what your level is. It is ALL about skill. You could have all the best stuff, and still be a crap player. Any gun is only as good as its user.............

HACKERS? Well, it doesnt matter what your level is. It is ALL about skill. You could have all the best stuff, and still be a crap player. Any gun is only as good as its user.............


I just added you the other day because I though you were a legit non cheating member of [fku] I see you went from level 34 to 39 in one day and your xp ends with a 2.
HACKERS? Well, it doesnt matter what your level is. It is ALL about skill. You could have all the best stuff, and still be a crap player. Any gun is only as good as its user.............


I just added you the other day because I though you were a legit non cheating member of [fku] I see you went from level 34 to 39 in one day and your xp ends with a 2.

Good point Meth. Long story short I ended up in a match with some Hackers, and 3 games later was level 39. If playing a random game that had hackers in it makes me a cheater, then I am a cheater by that definition only. Otherwise, I play like everybody else. ??? Anything else???

I think I uploaded the pictures with the crazy scores. By the way, I was using the name CptnRastaman that day for fun since it was "4/20/2011"


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By the way, I was using the name CptnRastaman that day for fun since it was "4/20/2011"

The only issue I have with this sentence, is that your name would've been better if it was "CptnRastamon".... lol Whatever man, I see where you're coming from, but if you knew you were getting more xp than you're supposed to, you should've quit. You especially shouldn't have hung around for 3 rounds of it.

To each their own... I guess I just feel better about my accomplishments if I actually earn them.
It is risky behavior because potentially I guess the hackers could have made it a negative xp or reset my account or ????? If anybody wants to block me or delete me or shoot me in game, fine by me.

Have you killed a Wii playing a game? I did, I was level 22 (username SHe-Ra or -.-, i dont remember exactly because it was 3 months ago) and my Wii died.............................................................................................................................................
Joined mid-game and a dude was up on top of the highest building in Jungle...I was shooting him, but I think someone else noticed him to and bam Host Quit. Unless there is some oddball way of getting up there but I don't see it, and never have seen someone up there before.

Maybe it was a fluke...after all later on in Heros in the Docks there was a character that was STUCK, you could not shoot them, they were not moving or shooting...it was annoying...not a cheat because if I follow peoples THEORIES I was HOST (top of the list). I simply exited out.
By the way, I was using the name CptnRastaman that day for fun since it was "4/20/2011"

The only issue I have with this sentence, is that your name would've been better if it was "CptnRastamon".... lol Whatever man, I see where you're coming from, but if you knew you were getting more xp than you're supposed to, you should've quit. You especially shouldn't have hung around for 3 rounds of it.

To each their own... I guess I just feel better about my accomplishments if I actually earn them.

Its just a game...I would probably never notice myself till the end...and I would stay...why leave... Its not my problem Wii messed up. Again its a game, who cares.
By the way, I was using the name CptnRastaman that day for fun since it was "4/20/2011"

The only issue I have with this sentence, is that your name would've been better if it was "CptnRastamon".... lol Whatever man, I see where you're coming from, but if you knew you were getting more xp than you're supposed to, you should've quit. You especially shouldn't have hung around for 3 rounds of it.

To each their own... I guess I just feel better about my accomplishments if I actually earn them.

Its just a game...I would probably never notice myself till the end...and I would stay...why leave... Its not my problem Wii messed up. Again its a game, who cares.

Modette said it all! Hooray!
:yesnod: WiiFreeze
I have played against Cheater Juju many times. Cheater or not, the dude(or dudette) can shoot.I don't mind the clans, they change the dynamic of the game and turn it into a "hunt pack" mentality. Hunter or hunted it's kind of interesting.The only bad cheater I've seen recently was the name "elite". I ususally check what I'm up against in a quiet spot as soon as I enter a room. So...he's listed as a level one. Then, in under a minute he's killed 8 people. I click again to confirm what I saw..and WHOA....elite is now a level 86. Funny I didn't know the levels went that high. Through out the game I kept checking and it would flick back and forth between 1 and 86. I finally quit to get away from him after two or three games.Im a notoriously evil camper. I have no run and shoot skill whatsover. I can't even imagine "hip fire"...all ALL 100% of my kills are ADS even with an assult rilfe or auto fire weapon, which I only ever use in the Archives and sometimes Sewer.Level 29.My typical game score ends with 9-13 kills. And 0-4 deaths.
Just playing a black box game and ya-tusaves had proxi mines and a level 28. Darn cheater. Why cant you level up like the rest of us and earn those items. Definitely makes me a bit angry!!! I wont play a game with you if I ever see you because youre cheating!!!

Egozilla's GF
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I was playing classic conflict a few days ago with a player named qq who was killing everyone in one shot which kind of ticked me off because most of the time i have to wait forever to even get a match started only to have a cheater come in and ruin the game.
Found A BAD cheater. He name was "Bond" Just wanted to warn you if you ever play against him lol.

With a quick username change nobody will ever know who is a "Cheater" as listed in this discussion anyhow.

Also, you would think that perhaps Nintendo/Activision would code the game well enough to prevent hacking or have some sort of online failsafe like ISP trace, Wiiconsole # blocking, Bricking a Wii etc. Other console do it, why not the Wii.

Just thought I would reality check this thread for a minute...........
Say you whatever you will about me and this comment.

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