Squeal on cheaters!!!

NS is full of hackers. Fortunately, they are rather poor players.

I don't get what the point of this, though. There's nothing we can do about it.
[NS] are cheaters. So is cheater* julu. Team conflict today I played with a lvl 6 laying proximity mines and had unlimited grenades. It is becoming bad when hosts quit in the middle of a game because they think cheaters are present, when actual owning is going on. Just look at the top ten overall players... funny how they haven't rectified that yet.
JASON BOURNE level 46+ is a cheater. He had Wolfe .44, Masterton, Proxy, and last act of defiance during a round of team conflict. He was level 46 when we played last week.

Sassafrass (?) Don't remember the exact spelling. He was using the Gambit sniper rifle while he was level 19. I was highest rank in room at level 33.

I play as HankScorpio. Email HomerS742@yahoo to exchange codes.
i dont care if they cheat ill still own on them im the ute warrior quitting is not a option and is for the weak im lvl32 and earned it tomorrow33 and if u see my name quit quiting pussies! pm me your fc. mine is 3510 4353 0351 pm me im on all hours or email me at kblackhair@yahoo.com
I played the facility today to instantly run into a proxy mine from "*" Next spawn I killed him and picked up his strata and ruined him for the rest of the game. come to find out he was a lvl 10 and tried to nood tube me the whole time. It just goes to show how better crap doesn't mean you are good. The only time I have seen this pay off is this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-cDCQkFh5s

i dont care if they r lvl with any kind of mines i just go out there and play to me playing a cheater helps me get better they make me expect things i normally wouldnt
sometimes ill see multiple ppl on the other team whos names start with the same thing. like the other day there were two ppl on the other team whos names started with [TDS]. i've also seen t('-'t) on another similar occassion. and they were pretty good so does that mean anything?
I was a little upset to see 00steve with a Strata and Last Act of Defiance as a level 40... :( Breaks my heart. lol Thanks for dropping that Strata 19 times in Team Conflict though, champ. ;-)
00steve is not a cheater. I play with him all of the time and he most likely picked up a strata(prolly mine :yesnod:) and just was cooking a nade when he got killed. Dont call people cheaters unless you KNOW what you are talking about CHAMP!
yes it was true homer, i tried some codes, and meant for them to be on another character, i know, dumb, but i will have you know i am NOT going to ruin all my hard work on 00steve, so i apologize. the other character is just somethin i was foolin round with. as u can see im not used to those fancy things, lol. hope u had fun with the strata though.:wink:
@PrivateEye - it just means they have formed a "clan" so people know they play together. All that means for you is it's going to feel extra good when you own them ;)

sometimes ill see multiple ppl on the other team whos names start with the same thing. like the other day there were two ppl on the other team whos names started with [TDS]. i've also seen t('-'t) on another similar occassion. and they were pretty good so does that mean anything?

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