Splinter Cell Double Agent Review at Gamespot


WiiChat Member
Oct 31, 2006
Queensland, Australia
Wii Online Code
Gamespot has released its Splinter Cell Double Agent Review (link below). Basically they panned it big time (6.2 rating) however I found them comparing it to the XBOX360 and PC versions a little much for me.

I was wondering what you think of the reivew? For those that played the game or own it give us your opinions. Is it as bad as they say, or are they pulling a "Twilight Princess" kind or review (you know the one - great game, lower rating)?

Would love to hear your views as I've preordered and am a great SP fan.

GAMESPOT REVIEW: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent for Wii Review - Wii Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent Review
Andrakis_Scarr said:
Gamespot has released its Splinter Cell Double Agent Review (link below). Basically they panned it big time (6.2 rating) however I found them comparing it to the XBOX360 and PC versions a little much for me.

I was wondering what you think of the reivew? For those that played the game or own it give us your opinions. Is it as bad as they say, or are they pulling a "Twilight Princess" kind or review (you know the one - great game, lower rating)?

Would love to hear your views as I've preordered and am a great SP fan.

GAMESPOT REVIEW: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent for Wii Review - Wii Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent Review

typical splinter cell rating.
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Does anyone here actually own it or played it? Would like to hear your opinions on the game and what you think the good/bad points are for Double Agent on the Wii.
Splinter Cell DA : Quick Review

I've had the game for several weeks and find it rather boring. I haven't played other SC games so maybe I'm just not into the basic concept, but sneaking around people versus killing them isn't very much fun to me. I haven't finished it yet, and to some degree that's an indication of my lack if interest in playing it for any length of time.

It does take a little while to get used to the controls on the Wii, but now that I am I would say they are okay but don't add much to the gameplay experience. Aiming and shooting is very slow in this controller setup so it's just as well all out gun battles aren't really the object of the game. Quite honestly I think the whole FPS genre has gotten very stale and even with the DA plot, Splinter Cell doesn't bring much new to the table. I'm really looking for something more innovative for the Wii that makes good use of the controllers. What are the best games for that?

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