Spiderman 3 or Pirates 3?

I've rented pirates for the wii and the 360, and I can't say that I enjoyed the wii version at all. All that swinging of the wii remote really detrached from any joy I could derive from the story, as it was overshadowed by a constant ache in my forearm. I haven't gotten to play spiderman 3 yet, but judging by what I've read here and on gamefaqs.com, I wouldn't bother.
I would try and rent them first or READ reviews. Sometimes games get lower scores because the reviewer didn't like something but that doesn't mean that you want like it.
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yea, Spiderman 3 is actually pretty awesome!!
I don't know from experience. But, I'm more of a SM fan than PotC. Also, Spiderman 2 was a great game IMO.
Spider-Man 3 the game was OK until the last level, then you get to face the invincible monster VENOM!!!!!!!!!!!

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