Sound on Virtual Console N64 Games


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
Sound on Virtual Console Games

I downloaded my first virtual console games today and I have a problem when playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Mario Kart 64. The problem is that when I am playing the games sound effects are missing. In Mario Kart 64 there is no music at all when racing, and you dont hear parts of the music in Zelda.:(

Is it just me or is everybody having this problem, and is there any way of fixing it?
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I just unplugged my system and plugged it in again and this fixed the Mario Kart problem.
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Yeah for some reason when ever I play 3 player the music is not there just the sound effects.
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I am now having problems with the sound effects not working all the time with "Link to the Past". For instance I swing my sword and attack an enemy, hearing the sound effects as normal, then I attack the enemy again but dont hear the sound effects this time. Am I the only one with this problem?

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