Soul Calibur Legends Wii screenshots

elmo_999 said:
i hope links in it again, he was my favorite character.

lol faceplant

If that guy's dress was a ninja clothe I would have said that it was a pic from Ninja Gaiden.

He Has Demon In His Name!!!! said:
True that i hope he's in it to...i was really good in Soul Calibur 2 with Link

Yeah me too...
This will probably be an online game too. Never played any Soul Calibur games, this looks like a fighting game like Street Fighter.
Since online is going with the Pokemon game, it only seems natural that they will start coming out now. Here's to that thought anyway!
whats more important grahpics or gameplay you guys our all freaking out over a couple of screenshots that look like a xbox that came out in 2001
I have a really bad feeling this game will suck, beat em ups in this decade haven't had the best history if Death By Degrees taught us anything.

It just looks muddy, needs to be more vibrant somehow. I mean even Soul Calibur 2 looks better than this.

Well atleast the controls sounds fun....

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