soul caliber + ssb?


WiiChat Member
May 17, 2006
glass tank, zebes
Wii Online Code
Imagine a game which could be played on wii, xbox and ps3 with different characters on all consoles like soul caliber but can all be connected online and played in the style of ssb. I thought it would be cool. :crazy:
I think the OP means that the same game for each console would have completely different characters that could be played on a central online server so playing against someone on a PS3 would see you up against different characters as opposed to playing against an XBox360 owner.
oooooh. I get it. Maybe, but MS and Sony are enemies :( We'll have to wait till the Wii has online play anyways. And then we'll need a developer who'll make the game with console exclusive characters. Then have both Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony rework their Online system

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