Nintendo,Gaming 24/7
Who else thinks this Lawsuit on Sony is completely Ridiculous???
I mean come on... You don't have rights on a ****ing building, and its not a company that can be suing.
So what the hell??
Theres nothing that even Defines the building, it could be any damn cathedral.
Its not like GTA has a McDonalds but didnt get rights. Thats a company.
Thats like if i made a game that had a plain blue port-potty. Would a porta-potty company sue me because it looks similar to theres? And yet again we run into the corparation problem.
I say piss off this is ridiculous.
I mean come on... You don't have rights on a ****ing building, and its not a company that can be suing.
So what the hell??
Theres nothing that even Defines the building, it could be any damn cathedral.
Its not like GTA has a McDonalds but didnt get rights. Thats a company.
Thats like if i made a game that had a plain blue port-potty. Would a porta-potty company sue me because it looks similar to theres? And yet again we run into the corparation problem.
I say piss off this is ridiculous.