Sonic Games you think should be made!!!

Dprinny its for wiiware its called Sonic the hedgehog 4 ep.1
I know its name
Its also for other consoles, but its DOWNLOAD ONLY!!!

Honestly paid for download only and in parts?
Theres two things that I hate.
I was also thinking with the rumour mill grinding away over Shenmue 3 the fear factor is near by thinking that it also might be download only
All in all, SEGA need to fire the current Team Sonic,get rid of all the cruddy back up characters and get back to the classic Sonic saving the world from Eggman or Chao storys. NOt saving the world from knights and "Dark Gaias". Also I found out The black night game had online play. How did that work?

And yeah THE STORM. Thats exactly how it should work for open world sonic.

the world does not need saving from NiGHTS as HES A GOOD GUY!!
Good guy or not that was one crappy game
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Sonic The Fighters Anyone?


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Dprinny its for wiiware its called Sonic the hedgehog 4 ep.1
I know its name
Its also for other consoles, but its DOWNLOAD ONLY!!!

Honestly paid for download only and in parts?
Theres two things that I hate.

Actually, I was thinking the same thing thar. xD I hate paying for something, but only getting it in parts. D: Just like those Final Fantasy WiiWares. D:
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  • #519
its only $10 for ep.1

should sonic have his own super smash bros game?
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  • #521
I see but Sonic should at least have one sports game OF HIS OWN!
hi they should make a sonic racing game unlike all stars racing cos allstars is rubbish sega can do better better online perhaps
I quite like the 360 version of the game. Of course the Wii version has rubbish online play, it's the Wii for crying out loud. It really is a fairly solid title though. Sumo seems to be better at making Sega games than Sega is...

I see but Sonic should at least have one sports game OF HIS OWN!

Sega Superstars Tennis.
hi they should make a sonic racing game unlike all stars racing cos allstars is rubbish sega can do better better online perhaps
I quite like the 360 version of the game. Of course the Wii version has rubbish online play, it's the Wii for crying out loud. It really is a fairly solid title though. Sumo seems to be better at making Sega games than Sega is...

Sumo are kinda part of Sega

The made Out Run 2 and it was good (and what that ther new Sonic racing game is based off)
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  • #524
what! when did out run 2 come out?

is there an after burner 2? cuz the first one is epic!!!!!!!!!!
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what! when did out run 2 come out?

is there an after burner 2? cuz the first one is epic!!!!!!!!!!

AfterBurner 2 has been out since 87
AfterBurner 3 has been out since 92
The outstanding AfterBurner Climax (yeah played it one a full cab) 2006
And the new AfterBurner black Falcon came out in 2007

So yeah there is a second one

Outrun 2 came out in 2003 and the update to it was out in 2006 and they wernt exactly a silent release as there was demo discs and adverts

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