Sonic Games you think should be made!!!

Absolutely not. If nothing else, at LEAST use Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. But just Sonic? Boring. This was proven to me in Unleashed.
Absolutely not. If nothing else, at LEAST use Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. But just Sonic? Boring. This was proven to me in Unleashed.

that makes no sense. when trying to perfect something, do you practice five different things or practice just the one? that's essentially what your suggesting: to perfect Sonic we should concentrate on more than just Sonic.
now does that make sense? no, to perfect Sonic the focus should be just on Sonic
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  • #274
I agree with shadow
Absolutely not. If nothing else, at LEAST use Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. But just Sonic? Boring. This was proven to me in Unleashed.

that makes no sense. when trying to perfect something, do you practice five different things or practice just the one? that's essentially what your suggesting: to perfect Sonic we should concentrate on more than just Sonic.
now does that make sense? no, to perfect Sonic the focus should be just on Sonic
Unless you give them the same gameplay as Sonic like the OG games. Maybe add some multiplayer like the games after the original. I'm not suggesting you have different gameplay for each character.
thats one thing that never made sense to me much anyways. how do tails and knuckles keep up with him? tails at least could build a machine but i still don't get it. and until a viable reason is given, i stand by what i said before.

as for multiplayer, it should be just racing through a level. each player as a different color sonic and allowed to use powerups to delay the other players. but keep the overall same gameplay as the singleplayer
I suppose theoretically they would be a little different. But just like the old games. Knuckles glides and climbs, Tails can fly. But the legitimate reasoning is that just playing as Sonic through the same levels over and over again gets really farking boring.
Yes well the lack of characters is boring as hell and...well, quite frankly, all I have to say to the majority of the fanbase is "fuuck you"
..... Time to win this Thread again

Keep the Original Old School Characters, Simple is it not, we do not need new Characters
they don't need Back story (Shadow being an Exception, but i'm not a big fan of him so i don't care much for him)
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  • #281
basically keep the characters from SA2B
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  • #284
Sonic unleashed 2 with sonic day stages and sonic being able to run at night, atleast more than 7 levels and also with alot more bosses and to able to level up as well, making him faster, be able to run on walls to, ancient light and be able to do a farther homer attack oh and ring dash

I think it would be somewhat like Sonic adventure 2 battle
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