something happened to me the other day

in touch with the wii

prez , you suck :p
Aug 2, 2006
the moon
Wii Online Code
well 3 days ago i was in a car crash and it was quite intresting how it happened (im ok btw just a few cuts and scrapes and a brused neck)
so i was in the passenger seat of my dads jaguar and he kinda slipped on to the edge of the road an was actually going off the road which was a two way street ( cars that were going the other way on your left) so he he tryed to get on to the road again but over compensated and went on to the other part of the road braking as hard has as he could he kinda wentt off the road and zig zaged back to the normal part but we skidded and hit two bollards he tried to pull out and hit a car an his car got pushed into a ditch:yikes: we soon found out that when he hit the tha car the first time he lost the connection to the brakes when i got out i found blood coming out of my head and i thought i was lucky to live
Wow, That must of been terrible. Good new's you are ok though, hope your feeling ok aswell, You are very lucky.
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cheers the good thing is that i get 4 days off school and might get some money:smilewinkgrin:
I'm also glad your'e okay. That wreck sounded very scary and dangerous. Is your Dad okay?

It sounds like the Jag didn't make it hey? :scared:
how fast was he going? was he on a major highway? was it a car mechanical issue or driver fault? was it raining? roads slick? sounds wierd that he slipped and skidded off road zigging in and out of traffic then ended up, im assuming east bound according to your writing, then wound up on the other side west bound and smacking into a car and into a ditch. had to be outside circumstances.

was there police on the scene? did you go to EMS right away?

anyways glad youre safe
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1. my dad is fine 2.i dont get scared easily it was kinda like a rollercoaster ending in blood 3. welll the passenger side where i was was smashed quite bad the bumper came off and the brakes and battery was disconnected , im just glad it had thick doors or i would of been crushed by the car of course the jag is written off poor thing i was gonna get to drive it nexr year
Lol Jilly you're such a cop :lol:

Glad you're okay =]

My sis was in a crash the other week.. scary stuff, I've got some pics somewhere.. a guy showing off on a motor bike clipped my sisters car, bounced off and went into a lamp post, then the bike he was on spun off the lamp post and hit the car in front of my sisters and wrecked it..

She'd come down to watch me surf lol :/

My nephew was in the car at the time, he wouldn't stop crying he was pretty shaken up.

We had 4 police cars too block off the road, two police vans with the cops to deal with it, then a fire engine came to deal with the wreck, then an ambulance came for the guy.. then an air ambulance came cos he faked his injuries so they thought he was worse than what he was :/

Quite a bit of drama...
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The_Loose_Cannon said:
how fast was he going? was he on a major highway? was it a car mechanical issue or driver fault? was it raining? roads slick? sounds wierd that he slipped and skidded off road zigging in and out of traffic then ended up, im assuming east bound according to your writing, then wound up on the other side west bound and smacking into a car and into a ditch. had to be outside circumstances.

was there police on the scene? did you go to EMS right away?

anyways glad youre safe
ok ill give you the details
1. my dad was going at 50 to start with but when he braked it went about 30 they call it black hill because of so many car accidents
3. well the road is kinda curved so it was first driver fault but it was mainly car mechanical issue as my dad would of been able to get out of it if the brakes were workin
4.we hit a car west bound and ended in a ditch
5.the police got there first then the ambulence
6.thanks for the concern
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surfinrach90 said:
Lol Jilly you're such a cop :lol:

Glad you're okay =]

My sis was in a crash the other week.. scary stuff, I've got some pics somewhere.. a guy showing off on a motor bike clipped my sisters car, bounced off and went into a lamp post, then the bike he was on spun off the lamp post and hit the car in front of my sisters and wrecked it..

She'd come down to watch me surf lol :/

My nephew was in the car at the time, he wouldn't stop crying he was pretty shaken up.

We had 4 police cars too block off the road, two police vans with the cops to deal with it, then a fire engine came to deal with the wreck, then an ambulance came for the guy.. then an air ambulance came cos he faked his injuries so they thought he was worse than what he was :/

Quite a bit of drama...
well im gald they're ok
thank for my concern
oh btw sovieto if you want to know it burns me that it got wrecked because it was a mint orignal xjr
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