Some noob questions about wii


WiiChat Member
Dec 3, 2007
I have just received my Wii, which is for a xmas gift to the 'family' ie me!

It comes with Wii sports, and the pack I purchased included GT pro series, Red Steel & Big Brain Academy, all very exciting!

My question is about controllers, the pack comes with a wiimote and nunchuck thing, but if you wanted to play a multiple player game can you take it in turns with 1 wiimote, or do you have to have 2 controllers plugged in?

Also, should I acquire an extra controller, presumably the wiimote would be the most recommended?

Apologies for the probably dense questions!
Each game will tell you whether it will support 1 wiimote or many, by looking on the back of the box. If the game has more than 1 player onscreen at any time then the answer is fairly obvious, but the games that are turn based usually can be set up for either system.

The wiimote is the basic controller. It can be used alone (on some games) or by adding the nunchuk or the classic. The nunchuk and classic are not controllers in their own right, they are addons to the wiimote.
wii sports (with the exception of boxing) can be played by sharing one remote but for other games your going to want to pick up an extra controller/nunchuck combo.

congrats on finding a wii. have fun w/it.
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Thanks for the quick replies. I'm really pleased to have found a Wii, I had all but given up. I'm in the UK and managed to get one through Argos Extra but they all went quickly, I never even received confirmation of the order and thought I had missed it.


Next task, order an extra controller.....
This might sound crazy.. .. ..but if you live near a smaller Woolworths then try there. Near me there is one major highstreet branch (never any in stock) and also 3 smaller, secondary shopping area, branches. Each of the smaller branches usually has one or two wiimotes, classics, nunchuks and wii points cards in stock.

Good luck!

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