So, what'd you get, and are you happy?

I wanted a Car but instead i got a Sony vaio laptop.
Hey im 23 not pleased. As u grow older ur expectations go higher and so ur dreams are crushed more. well the laptop was $1,900.
I also got Sweaters, football jersey, a mini oven for my university, and my lil sis got me a deck of cards (didnt want to hurt her feelings so i told her hers is the onli one i care about, i dont even know where it is). but im pretty happy with the laptop.
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I got a iPod touch smg and prince of Persia. Both are really fun I got clothes and $250 I might get a gold lite if I can fin one and a airsoft gun but I'm happy with my Christmas
i got re uc, a wii gun, some racing game my mom is sending me,a 25$ walmart gift card and a 50$ game stop gift card also 2gb sd card im happy with what i got
Tablet, Moniter, Webcam, Headset, everything else I asked for except for the only game.

Geometry Wars: Galaxies. But, I got a 50$ Circuit City gift card, so I'll just order it from the site and wait for the mail. :)
TortillaChip520 said:
^son of a b*tch, that's what i wanted!!!!!!

i got this instead:
nice bass man!... i asked for a five string acoustic, and all i got was a set of flatwounds :(
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I got money, clothes and after shave. :lol:

I bought resident evil 4 and am going to buy guitar hero 3 next week.
I got Metroid Prime 3 and have been aiting a long time for it and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent which i did not expect. I finally bought Metroid Prime Prime one after renting it for a fortnight, i got it for $20AU how cheap!!
I got, RE:UC, Ghost Squad, Wii Zapper, SMG, GH3, and Some Sims game for my little sister haha.

As for the non-wii related things....GPS for my car, a lot of clothes, money and giftcards. I was happy with everything.
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I Got...

Battalion Wars Wii,
Mega Man Anniversary (Xbox)
Mega Man X Collection (GC)
I got the Wii Zapper. I don't use the Zapper, but i do really like that short little game. It's a load of fun.

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