so are there gona be two zeldas ?

Guys, make sure you provide a link if you make a statement about anything to do with the Wii.

Yeah, yeah, my own stipulation and i forgot it....anyway here it is

First Look
Nintendo announces and demonstrates a version of Twilight Princess specifically designed for the Wii.
By Bob Colayco, GameSpot
Posted May 9, 2006 10:50 am PT

Twilight Princess
Take a look at some of the unique features on offer for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Nintendo Wii.
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LOS ANGELES--Nintendo announced today that the upcoming Legend of Zelda game, Twilight Princess, will ship in two different versions--one made for the Wii and one for the GameCube. Nintendo representatives showed off the Wii version of the game...

full article
there will be 2 different twilight princess games. i'm considering getting both just so i can play a normal controller version of it too, although i'm goin to stick w/ the wii version for now.
MetroidZ said:
will the graphics be enhanced to wii graphics? or will they just change gameplay for the wii?

They'll probably be a bit better, but don't expect a drastic difference- the game was meant for the Gamecube after all.
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motherbrainrulez said:
there is not going to be 2 versions! it is for gamecube and can be played on wii with the wii remote or gamecube control!
(just my own technical knowledge) I am going to infer that the gamecube version when played on the Wii will use the buttons on the Wiimote, but the motion sensitivity will be absent. I say this for two reasons:
1. In games, when you put information on a game that doesn't pertain to the system it is played on, the system generally will become confused and lock up (for example, information for using the Wiimote motion detection being run on a gamecube will overload the system), and if that weren't enough, that added information would eat up valuable space on the gamecube disc
2. If the Wiimote detection was there on the gamecube version, then how would it be reproduced on the cube? You are working in 4 dimentions with the Wiimote (length, width, height, and time; time being present in the speed you move), you may say that these could be subtituted with the two analogue sticks on the cube, but they can only operate in two dimensions (as they don't push down or pull up, and they would be extremely dificult to reproduce speed on), so this would beg the question of what functionality to remove from the cube play, which is unfair to cube gamers

wow, that was longer than it was supposed to be
Ive heard the wii version will be slightly different because to aim your arrows and stuff you will be using the wii controller, sounds awesome just hope its as quick as the old fingers
Of course the Wii version will be better, I am positive, and I don't know if you have heard, but, to fire arrows you bring both controller compenents together, (nun-chuck and wiimote) side by side, hold "A" button and actually pull back the nun-chuck to draw your arrows and let go of "A" to fire them.
at the wii version u will actually be able to "hold" Link's Sword and shield in your'e hands with both the nunchuck-mote and wii-mote... i'm sorry i remember e read it somwhere but i can't remember where :p