SNES and hdtv's

Lost Savior

Where is your savior now?
Feb 18, 2007
As some people might know, I just re-bought a snes (snes 2 to be exact). It's hooked up to my Samsung LNS3241D 32" LCD HDTV via composite cords (YRW). When I boot up any game, I have this 1" green line running vertically off center to the left. It only appears when there's a dark background and goes away when colors are introduced in the line.

I'm thinking an S-video cord might solve the problem, maybe. Anyone else run into a similar problem? (by the way, my snes vc games work great with the tv.)
It might be a simple compatablity problem

It happends with a few of my older consoles
Try as I might I still cant get my 50" to display a picture with my Atari Jaguar
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I'm just waiting for the S-video to come in the mail soon. I seriously hope it fixes it. It's not too big of a problem, but I'm very uptight about this kind of stuff...
It depends where you are
I havent had any probs runin things thorw SCART
sremick said:
Makes me nervous about what I have to look forward to with my 92" display.

Me steelin it
*Looks at location*
By helicopter

Nar as long as you dont run things throw the bog standerd airel sockit you shoud be fine
Darkprinny said:
Me steelin it
*Looks at location*
By helicopter
Heh, nothing to steal yet. I'm still working out the technical details. Probably within a week or two though I'll start ordering everything.
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Okay, here's a problem that I just found out (after I bought the cables of course):

The snes 2 does not in fact support S-video. So now I need an original snes. Going shopping on ebay yet again!

Edit: Just bought this:

for only 50$!!!

Another Edit:

Just an update:

I received my SNES and hooked up my s-video cable to it. The green line is gone. I still can't believe that nintendo didn't add this feature to the mini SNES. I also received DKC, FF:MQ, FF2, and FF3. All for under 60$ total. Yeah, I'm pretty happy!
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