SMG Lives Problem


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2007
Okay, well i got SMG just over a week ago now (i'm on 54 stars) and in one sitting i can get up to like 30 lives, but even if i save it everytime i go back on i only have 4 yet my progress in the game is where it should be... oh and I allways get the same letter from PP.

Does this happen to anyone else?
It's the same for everybody. It always resets the number of lives everytime you restart the game no matter how many you had before.

It's just a feature to make the game a bit harder.
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Ah, thought it might have been, just checking it wasn't a glitch
i just leave my wii on. i left luigi sleeping in the bedroom on the bed with 99 lives (the maximum you can get). this time through i'm going to do all the extra stuff i can before i fight bowser so i can do it with 99 lives. once i beat bowser i should only have to do the blue coin worlds starting with 5 lives since it makes you go restart after you beat bowser.
The game would be a lot more challenging if getting all those lives wasn't so easy. Losing a life is basically inconsequential in that game.
3 lives is plenty for a single session. its actually harder to die than it is not.

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