Smash Bros Tourney (PRIZE) IMPORTANT UPDATE!!! Registration Closed April 5th

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They are not going to be in the current tournament. They however will be in another one that is soon to come.
Hey Mingus! I'd like to know If I can change my character. I wanna change it to the Capt.
how do we know if we are registered for the tourney? i signed up and am a memeber, but is it possible for any1 to tell me for sure if my name is on the "list"?
taggerero said:
yes im in the tornement cant wait till i get my hands on those 6000 wii points.

Heh... Say that again bud. :ciappa:

Oh and change me to Lucario if you can.
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Monsteroids said:
Heh... Say that again bud. :ciappa:

Oh and change me to Lucario if you can.


Bowserizer said:
how do we know if we are registered for the tourney? i signed up and am a memeber, but is it possible for any1 to tell me for sure if my name is on the "list"?

It's important to use the same name as wiichat when you post the username that you want to go under in the tournament. We do not have a computer automated system. Every application and member registration is verified by an admin or someone in registration. We match up the sign-up forms and members emails and that's how we verify. If you use a different email we will be unable to verify you. I can look into it, do you know the email you signed up with? if so, send me a message at:

I will be able to inform you if you are verified.
It says I'm not verified on the link Prez posted...? Do I need to register again?
I was hoping for something better but that is good too.:lol:
Hey Mingus...i registered and everything, then you said to e-mail i did that...when am i gettin on the list? lol sorry if i sound impatient, but a brawl tournament is somethin a wanna be a part of!
pro gamer said:
how can you change characters?

You have untill the tournment starts, so all you have do to is post here and wait till he replies back to you, and updates your account. Just read the first page, all your questions will get answered by just reading all the rules and regulations.
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