Del fuego he resurgido...
Hey everyone, this here is a glitch me and my bro got while playing Melee a long time ago and now I'm finally showing it:
We had Mr. Game and Watch, Young Link as cp, Fox as cp and Kirby, I was kirby and my bro Game and Watch, Kirby apparently swallowed Young Link, but I don't remember exactly how or what happened, that at a certain moment, Young Link Kirby had Mr Game and Watch's sausage pan.. it surprised us. Just thought I shared this with you guys.

We had Mr. Game and Watch, Young Link as cp, Fox as cp and Kirby, I was kirby and my bro Game and Watch, Kirby apparently swallowed Young Link, but I don't remember exactly how or what happened, that at a certain moment, Young Link Kirby had Mr Game and Watch's sausage pan.. it surprised us. Just thought I shared this with you guys.