Smash Bros. Brawl Computer Players Difficulty

I've noticed that when I face a level 9 they don't just run straight at me. I can hardly ever get a charged smash attach on them. They definately use there block a lot more as well as dodge. They react much faster. In melee I use to attempt to beat a level 9 with 0% but I can tell that's just not going to happen with these level 9's.
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I don't know about u guys, but every time they get the dragoon, I'm the one gettin' hit. It ticks me off when their are 3 computer players, and one of them gets the dragoon, but I end up hit. Anyone else hate computer players and dragoons?
Ehh, they're harder? They seem ALOT easier. I play classic with their level on 9 for nasty and its pretty damn easy. But online they're hard because of delay, but offline I have no problem killing them so long as im using my real character.
Naw, ive always handled lvl 9s. In Smash, i could 3 stock(out of 4 stock) a lvl 9 anyone, no matter who it was. I could have a stock left an still beat down 2 lvl 9s in smash. (not 3, never could do that *Damn U BoWsEr Challenge*:mad5: )

But in brawl, im goin down to 2 or maybe even 1 stock, facing whomever. They are much faster, no doubt. Much smarter, no doubt. Much illusive, no doubt. There just a whole heck of alot better. They roll dodge almost as much and Alllllmost as effective as a pro. These could seriously help with anyones timing =).

Lol, i emphasize many short hops, which leads to combos. every character in this game now has a serious ability to combo. xD, im just mad Luigi can't wavedash anymore =*(, an u can't even ledge tech =(...Bah, who cares.
Ive always dodged all the computer characters with the dragoon.
I use yoshi's down b move right when its about to be hit at me.
CocoSSBB said:
It's funny how were talking about challenge on level 9s, when there is such a guy as Tabuu...

He's like a freaking level 15.

Naw, hes not that hard.
I was glad to find the AI much smarter & less predictable, I hated playing Melee by myself because I could see their moves from a mile away...
Monsteroids said:
Naw, hes not that hard.
He is at the highest difficulty :lol:

Oh, btw... CPU lvl 9 will:

1) NEVER miss with Dragoon Parts. Your best bet is to suicide so they don't get a point, or not let them get the parts... or pray.

2) NEVER miss Final Smashes (Super Sonic and Pikachu's Volt Tackle, for example). Seriously, die when they use Super Sonic, and while you're respawning, they're right on top of you... waiting for that invincibility to go off :lol:
I have to agree Nintendo buffed the difficulty. For one thing they don't waste their time with useless moves anymore. In Melee you could almost count on Kirby swallowing you and taking your ability regaurdless of level. Here he's less likely to take your ability and more likely to suicide you. (Annoying as hell)

And Tabuu is definately an improvement over Master Hand, whom they nerfed a bit. However he is not incredibly difficult, just provides a faster paced fight.

Otherwise I'm beginning to think Nintendo took a lot of the moves used by pros and input them into the AI system. Making them great training for the online matches. (Which can get really intense.)
yeah, ive noticed this too, back when i used to play melee, i was pretty good, not awesome, but i could easily pwn 3 lvl 6's, and when i started playing brawl, i had to go down to lvl 3's, and could barely beat them, but ive been playin it straight since i got it, and now im up to lvl 5's. and it is true that i can hardly remembered being missed by that dragoon item too.
also, a bit off topic, but has anyone noticed that pokeballs and assist trophies tend to give CRAP more so than melee did?
In free for all full of lvl 9 they always go after you or at least two will : / it's so annoying. They should rename it to "Team battle w/ team damage one FFA" x3 but I'm practicing to get better! I still need to utilize short hop right, and learn to block right before they attack and grab, and not fall for them doing the same thing. Peach annoys me the most, with her short jump > float > neutral A or forward A in air : / I'll get her eventually :3 I wanna be able to like take 4 of her stock with my one stock x_x
They actually made it fun now. I like what Nintendo did, you can actually practice with lvl 9s now =). I think ill never reach the point of baeting 3 though....=*(