Right, firstly, in my front room I have an SD TV with Sky, and I have an HD TV in my backroom and my bedroom. Just incase you needed to know.
[Note: HD TV related questions towards the bottom, so if you don't know anything about Sky HD but do about HD TV's then just scroll down]
Sky HD Questions
*So does anybody know if, the cable from the satellite dish to the Sky HD box is the same as the cable from the satellite dish to a normal Sky box/Sky+ box?
-If it is, is it possible to have a Sky HD box installed in the backroom, then once I get an HD TV in the front room move the HD box into there an put the normal Sky box in the backroom?
-If it isn't, is it impossible to do the above?
*Also, are HDMI cables readily available yet to go from the Sky HD box in the front/back room, to the bedroom? Because I know they can be expensive, and we are talking buying them in several metres here, so I was wondering if you can buy them without having to like, re-morgage the house 0_o
*Anybody have any idea when Sky HD multiroom is available?
HD TV Questions
*So I'm looking to buy a new HD TV for the front room. Am I correct in saying it is worth getting a 1080p one rather than a 720p, even if I sacrifice a few inches in screen size (say from 42 - 37)?
*But anyway, any suggestions of 1080p HD televisions (37" +) from experience or just your own knowledge? (Out of interest, what one would you recommend if money was no object?) More practically though, a budget of around £800 - £1000 is more likely, good examples from each end of that range would be nice
Also, am I correct in believing that some brands are better for watching say, football (soccer, and probably just sports), and some are better for watching say, documentaries? Do you know any examples of either?
*Where would you recommend to buy the televisions that you suggest? Bear in mind I live in the UK, so UK stores or websites would probably be practical.
*And one last thing, it isn't too relevant to me as I don't have one, but I was wondering - how much better does the PS3 look on a 1080p TV than on a 720p TV?
A lot of questions there but any responses would be much appreciated, thanks.
[Note: HD TV related questions towards the bottom, so if you don't know anything about Sky HD but do about HD TV's then just scroll down]
Sky HD Questions
*So does anybody know if, the cable from the satellite dish to the Sky HD box is the same as the cable from the satellite dish to a normal Sky box/Sky+ box?
-If it is, is it possible to have a Sky HD box installed in the backroom, then once I get an HD TV in the front room move the HD box into there an put the normal Sky box in the backroom?
-If it isn't, is it impossible to do the above?
*Also, are HDMI cables readily available yet to go from the Sky HD box in the front/back room, to the bedroom? Because I know they can be expensive, and we are talking buying them in several metres here, so I was wondering if you can buy them without having to like, re-morgage the house 0_o
*Anybody have any idea when Sky HD multiroom is available?
HD TV Questions
*So I'm looking to buy a new HD TV for the front room. Am I correct in saying it is worth getting a 1080p one rather than a 720p, even if I sacrifice a few inches in screen size (say from 42 - 37)?
*But anyway, any suggestions of 1080p HD televisions (37" +) from experience or just your own knowledge? (Out of interest, what one would you recommend if money was no object?) More practically though, a budget of around £800 - £1000 is more likely, good examples from each end of that range would be nice
*Where would you recommend to buy the televisions that you suggest? Bear in mind I live in the UK, so UK stores or websites would probably be practical.
*And one last thing, it isn't too relevant to me as I don't have one, but I was wondering - how much better does the PS3 look on a 1080p TV than on a 720p TV?
A lot of questions there but any responses would be much appreciated, thanks.