Skill level in Wii sports...bowling

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I know they show you your skill level, but how do they determine it?
Specifics, give them. =P

A lot of things are considered for your score, and how much score points you gain (or lose) after a round. Obviously, your overall score is one of the biggest factors. However, I've found that the biggest one is consistency. If you play considerably well a few games and raise your points very high, then you play inconsistent or just badly in the next game, it'l hinder your score incredibly. On the other hand, if you have a streak of bad playing and one game you suddenly do very well, your points earned'l multiply.

The best example is me taking a hiatus from my Wii Sports Bowling for half a year. I used to get 260 plus every game. I got 200 points for my first returning game, which isn't all-that terrible, but my score plummeted after that match since that was more than 60 less than my usual score.

A few other factors might exist, but I'm not too sure of what they are. They're most likely mediocre things, probably based consistency (are you randomly getting strikes, even though you're usually throwing a gutter ball or getting a split, are your shots completely random so your score's all over the place the entire game, etc.). I can imagine if you do nothing but spares an entire game, you'll get more points gained than if you play below average another game, but get enough strikes to achieve the same score as listed above.
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thank you

SSBfreakCK, thanks for your explanation.:smile:
I know this is a different thread, but do you know how bowl without using the "B" button?

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