
Mar 21, 2008
:shocked: how do you make a signature? i'm rellly confused on that one
and is the signature the picture that is in the text box or yeah i'm really confused help please
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there are soooo many threads on this
the search button is your friend :yesnod:
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so is the pic with the two people on the sides and the bat like thing in the middle your sig? or what? and if so could some one plz tell me how to get one or make one plz i beg of you all?????? please
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do you know how to make one ?
if so please tell me how to

^^ The signature is very basic in the video, but it's enough to get you started.

Next time, if you have any questions involving things like that, just refer to the Design Lounge.
In order to make a signature you must either have Photo Shop or Gimp. Considering that Photo Shop is a quite expensive program I suggest you look into getting Gimp. As someone mentioned, just go to and try to browse through various resource threads/topics that they may have. For further information regarding signature making/requests please feel free to check out WiiChat's Design Lounge section.

- Yes I know I sound like an automated voice message

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