Signature Request Thread

like how? background?

I suggest a blue color scheme if you're going to make a Falco and Wolf signature. Use small text as well. Multiple character sigs need all the space you can get.

I would do it myself, but I'm gonna head to sleep soon.
i want to hire a sig maker for my brawl events thread. a sig 4 the winner. anyone up 4 the job?
ill give u rights 2 put "offical sig maker 4 the brawl events" on ur sig
that brings honor
ok sure i'll take it and u want a sig correct? anyway i started already
ok well here it is I think I kind of got sloppy but I hope you like it
could anyone make a call of duty world at war sig with this in it (WG)The moo67-1419-1433-7765 and PoWlSandman-4984-4580-7282 (those are my fc's for it if u didnt know) please and thank you
Well heres the first draft i guess i still go more to go but i just threw this together

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