Signature Request Thread

Don't need a sig anymore. A mod may delete this post if they feel the need,
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u know what, u guys seem pretty good at this, anyone wanna throw me a sig. to :O! im working on making one myself but im not to good at photoshop yet XD, i just need some idea :].

:eek: maybe a sig. with a green theme to it and kid icarus o_O? and saying "hehe...Giggles" in the bottom right :D
LOL MOO! I like that

Im willing to make a sig for someone...just PM me what you want and ill see what i can do
I need a Gears Of War sig. Anyone up to it? (a good one, not a half-assed one please)
I've had this one since January.
How to Put Image on Sig.?
1.Go to edit signature
2.Look at the tools above where you type
3. find the
tool it
5.delete the http:// that appears there already
6.put the Picture URL in it
7.Click OK
8.Click save signature
9.Your done

How do i get the picture URL?

1.go to the image you want
2.Right click it
3.Click properties
4. Copy the stuff that starts with Http:// and after "Location:" by highlighting it and pressing Ctrl+C
5.Press Ctrl+V once you get to step 6
Anyone willing to make my sig?
Anyone up for making me a hot Peach sig? I would love one. Thanks! :wink:
Could you make a robotnik sig for me? And make it look extra old-school and retro. Like not as flashy as a lot of new ones, which do look very good. I just want blocky 16 bit graphics, and an old school feel

Here is a pic that could be used

Colors: whatever look good
Text: Dr. Robotnik

Thank you very much if you can
KrisKhaos said:
What is wrong with the one you have now?
Ive had it since January. Time for a change.

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