Signature Request Thread

The L.S said:
actually, that would be nice. I guess the size is supposed to be 150x130 at minimum.

thanks for the sweet sig.
I don't know about that small.

Here it is dropped down to 130px on the height end of the stick.

It also gave me a chance to fix something that was bothering me.
Even though it lost a bit of its edge with the resize.
Anyways, there ya go.
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FRuMMaGe said:
Here's one I made for Dubb's Wii:


Want me to make another like that one for you?

I like that one alot, I need it a little bit smaller, im going to be using it on here and another forum so if he doesnt care, then I dont. :)
But if you would like to change it up a bit, that would be fine to, lol. :yesnod:
Can anyone make me a really sweet kirby sig? I want the kirby from super smash brawl - so there you go =- also could someone make a tutorial on how to make sigs for a beginner
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Tr1p1ng said:
I like that one alot, I need it a little bit smaller, im going to be using it on here and another forum so if he doesnt care, then I dont. :)
But if you would like to change it up a bit, that would be fine to, lol. :yesnod:
What about if I give you that exact signature only with your name and number on instead of his? Obviously I will resize it.
can some one take my current sig and put the japanese symbols for wisdom courage and power in the triforce for me? ill rep the person who does:)
Prince726 said:

I would like a kiki delivery service sig with kiki on her broom on the opposite side of kiki face I want the word:

Prince726 Will Delivery
Defeat In SSBB

Put it the way I have it on top of each other in blue


can someone make this sig for me
Can you make me a Sig? One Gir or Invader Zim Based? I would also like it to have the words

and my Wii code in it. You can find my code in the left side under my avy. Thanks a lot
FRuMMaGe said:
What about if I give you that exact signature only with your name and number on instead of his? Obviously I will resize it.
Nikko said:
Hey, i'm really new here so i don't have a sig or avatar yet :p
can someone please make me a sig of call of duty 4 with my name "Nikko" on it please :)
(Preferably the area where the guy is aiming his gun)


and if you can make a matching avy that would be great!!

Anyone? :smilewinkgrin:

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