Signature Gallery (Show us your work)

What's the render from? Do you even know or were you like, "Pretty robot :drool:....." :lol:
I cant remember where I got it from, I made it AGES ago.. But yea I was just searching for robot renders I think :p
Hmmm... I feel like making a new sig. =\ I think I'll do just that. :yesnod:

EDIT: Finished, what do ya think? =D
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Looks good.

New Vector Sig:

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it's nice but a bit bright.

Well, I've been busy trying out new techs as always, here are the results. Btw, The transparent looking one is my new "Insignia". I'll be using this for things like for tuts and spritesheets I make.



Got bored so I made two new sigs. Very simple.


Yea made another SIG, a Zelda one :)

Only thing is I made some animated scrolling text for it but then my computer crashed and I lost the animation and couldnt be bothered doing it again..

Might do it again another time..

Cant wait to get back to my gimp picture editor in six days! I'm in perth right now. Who here also uses gimp? Jenova, great current sig. The other one made your girl (I hope i heard right) look really blue. And Mario Famous, your current sig is AWSOME! It somehow makes me think about the temple of time in zelda and when i think of mario and zelda, i start to drool :D.
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I do, there is a tut on gimptalk and i just have to loower the opacity to make it look like yourz. Here are some i made on gimp in a batch.



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dan99iel said:
I do, there is a tut on gimptalk and i just have to loower the opacity to make it look like yourz. Here are some i made on gimp in a batch.
Edit your post please, 'tis stretching the screen :) also gonna make a new one tonight :) so i'll be posting again in a few hours :D
dan99iel said:
Cant wait to get back to my gimp picture editor in six days! I'm in perth right now. Who here also uses gimp? Jenova, great current sig. The other one made your girl (I hope i heard right) look really blue. And Mario Famous, your current sig is AWSOME! It somehow makes me think about the temple of time in zelda and when i think of mario and zelda, i start to drool :D.

Because I did make her blue in that sig. xD;; But it looks a lot better this way, I think. ^__^

Drooling to Mario and Zelda? Hmmm... obsessed? =D lol, just kidding. ^^