Signature Gallery (Show us your work)

Wii17 said:
damn man... just damn lol btw the first tutorial, the gradients kept disappearing only 1 line stayed... help
aah I found the tutorial you did, after clicking on the gradient tool, did you choose the 3rd option of gradient near the top of the screen? Keep checking you did everything right in the tutorial, and if it still doesn't work, try another one :)
Wii17 said:
yeah i did i tried all the gradients, but im using cs2 so im assuming they removed that ability
Aaah that might be why, I use Photoshop 7.0. Anyway you can download a sort of demo version, or the full (being pirate-like :))? 'cause then they'd work for sure :)
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  • #605
No, CS2 has the feature, the shortcut butttons are just different.

Reply to ssbb_lover:
The japanese in the kakashi sig said "Naruto"
I'm going to be using that font for most of my anime sigs from now on.
Cool, cuz' it looks great dude. :D

@ Wii17: I also have CS2, to have multiple gradient layers, make sure the mode is set to difference, the dither and transparency boxes ARE CHECKED, but the reverse box IS UNCHECKED. It should work. :D
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  • #607
Made another

this is for mr.squish
I'll have the rest of the sigs that people requested later
Mario Famous said:
Made another

this is for mr.squish
I'll have the rest of the sigs that people requested later
Holy cow, that thing is awesome.
It makes me even more anxious! I CAN'T WAIT NOW!
Yay! :D
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OMG! Thank-You!
This thing ROCKS!
As soon as I have accses to a computer (Later today at the library), I'm putting it my sig!
I wasn't expecting something this good!
Had to make a James Pond sig :p

Not all that great, but I'm happy with it :) Wanna use one my new sigs, but the dimensions for all 3 are 400x150, whereas it has to be 500x130. Requested with i0n that I could have it at say 450x150 to even things out, or even delete text from my sig to not take up too much room. No reply (as of yet) but we'll see. Really hope he sees what I'm getting at. Anyway, woo new sig :)
If the dimensions are under the limit, you should be able to use them...

(2 new [terrible] sigs underway...they're not turning out to look so professional...)
ssbb_lover said:
If the dimensions are under the limit, you should be able to use them...

(2 new [terrible] sigs underway...they're not turning out to look so professional...)
Well 'cause its 20 pixels too much in height, I can't have it. Just hoping i0n doesn't ignore me this time :). and we'll see dude, I'm sure they're great :D
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  • #614
l tried asking iOn a couple of months ago. He said that "the sig limit has already been discussed and decided"...I was dissapointed to hear this.
Mario Famous said:
l tried asking iOn a couple of months ago. He said that "the sig limit has already been discussed and decided"...I was dissapointed to hear this.
Discussed between mods or members? I'd have thought everyone would have a say, but there you go. Don't understand how it would affect anything having a few pixels bigger. Tbh I'm just ':mad2:' that I made it too big, and when I resize it, it doesn't look as detailed/good. Determined to have the limits changed :)