SICK OF THE 2-D ds games

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Darkprinny said:
You want another shite 3d sonic

But if you want 3D get a psp
Theres loads of 3D shite on that
don't swear man!
I kinda love 2d games... Only if it has Anime art styling though, such as children of mana for DS or Castlevania, though im not a fan of it, just example...
Hybrid said:
Whats really starting to piss me off is that the nintendo ds has great graphic capabilitys and yet they make 2-d crap like canvas cruise! sure it uses the touch screen but they could make a games that uses the touch screen and is 3-d like metroid prime hunters or mario 3 on 3 hoops and ff3.And another thing that got me mad is that sega mad a demo for the ds feturing Sonic, the grapics were better than most gamecube games and then sega just make sonic rush it was a good game but it wasnt 3-d!!:mad5:. I :worship: 3D DS GAMES!!. make more 3d games nintendo and compony please!!:drool:
depends on the amount of time they take on the game
i like the tony hawk games for it
If you know programming as well as I do, making a 3d game isn't very easy, and the ds's 3d capabilities isn't as good as many think it is :(. Yes, it does have that power, no it isn't easy to make at all.
First off, it's Canvas Curse, not Canvas Cruise...noob...

And secondly, who cares if the DS has 2D games? Some of them are really good *coughcanvascursecough*, and for many 3D games the touch screen functionality is just tacked on. And since it's an upgrade of the GBA, it's obviously gonna have 2D games. Stop whining and get over yourself.
Darkprinny said:
You want another shite 3d sonic

I think Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Adventure DX are all pretty good. But all the other 3D sonic games suck.
some 3d games look great on ds eg. mario 64, ds mario kart ds, MP:H, AC:WW, Tony Hawk but some look like crap (doesnt mean they play like crap though) like Madden 07. Also 2-D games will always have their place eg. yoshi, mario+luigi, new super mario bros. i like a balance of both

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