Should We Pay for Online???

I believe that when Pay to Play is released, NWFC will be no more. All the games will support Pay to Play because of the money aspect.

If Nintendo can crank out some decent online games and some better online servers, I could be convinced into paying.
vashivihan said:
well i would pay certain amount of money if i can get good online. playing online in wii feels bland.

I've always been happy to pay for good online. But don't hold your breath on pay-to-play bringing it around. So long as Nintendo remains obsessed with limiting online play with FCs and shutting down comm whenever it can, they will succeed at doing so.

The nice part is that it's on a per game basis, so anyone who doesn't like the offering made, doesn't have to pay the subscription.

There's not really anything (new) to complain about. But I wouldn't get my hopes up either. Xbox Live! isn't coming to Wii. Much as I'd like it to.
I am happy to pay my $50 a year to Xbox Live for the quality of the service I get across the board. If the Wii was in a position to offer a comparable service I would be all about paying for it. However I don't think anyone expects that kind of result. Wii may be looking into MMORPG kind of monthly billing, per game-which is fine by me. I don't play those games now on my PC or Xbox so I don't see my habits changing for the Wii. I truly wish Wii online was better though, free or not.
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I'd pay the $50/year for online Wii if there were more games that would actually make use of it. Right now there aren't.

This is the problem Nintendo has: you can't charge for something unless there's sufficient demand, and there won't be demand until there's stuff that makes it useful. Game makers still have their heads up their posteriors regarding making Wii games online. GH3, for example, has no downloadable content.
disturbed said:
It will be way better to pay to play. Think about it. Would you rather have a crappy free online service where it just seems like your playing against "smarter than avereage" computers, or would you rather have to pay to play online so that we can acctually get decent online play where it ACTUALLY seems like your playing other people? That being said I think everybody should be willing to pay-to-play... unless you like half-assed online play with almost no difference than playing offline...

wel we should get an option to pay to play, like if you use freind codes, no pay, but if you search for opponents you pay
so does anyone know if this pay-to-playness will be implemented in all current and future wii games? is it selective?

like will madden 08 require it or moh:h2 possibly?

or is this mainly for first party games like brawl, strikers, etc...

?? :crazy: ??
I'd be fine with a SMALL fee if, as others have said:

1.) They include voice chat
2.) They get rid of friend codes and use regular nicknames
3.) They provide reliable, fast servers
4.) There's a decent game selection

Also, if I'm not mistaken, one of the FPSes out for Wii right now actually DOES use nicknames for online play. Maybe Medal of Honor?

I actually think having a different nickname for each game might be better than XBox Live's system of having a system-wide nickname. That way you can kind of keep your gaming experiences separate.
But I must say, I am a bit worried about the notion of pay-to-play PER GAME.

I mean, on the 360, I'd have no problem, as Halo 3 is virtually the only game I'd pay for, so I'm sure it'd end up being considerably cheaper than paying for "system-wide" online access.

If Wii has GREAT games with online support, it could be the same situation. But if not, I'm sure people will end up trying a bunch of mediocre games and getting pissed at having to pay for each of them separately.
i already pay for internet service, no way im paying for online for a ****ing wii, get some better games and get voice chat first
metalfreak said:
so does anyone know if this pay-to-playness will be implemented in all current and future wii games? is it selective?

like will madden 08 require it or moh:h2 possibly?

or is this mainly for first party games like brawl, strikers, etc...

?? :crazy: ??
it wont be implemented anytime soon, these guys are just fetching idea, apparently some of them like to waste money
Oh man! On one hand, games would be great with voice chat. On the other, it would suck to have to pay for online. Also, the pay-to-play service would only be good with certain games. For example, MOH:H2 would be a great game with voice chat. However, I don't think the servers will be better just because we will have to pay. If you have a bad internet connection, that's your problem, and paying isn't going to make a difference.
Most likely it will be for subscription MMO style games and not your regular run of the mill online multiplayer game.
I think this is one of Nintendo's worst moves ever and they should really take time to think about the impact this is gonna have on there game sales so yeah

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