Should we be expect the new Wolfeinstein on the Wii

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Why not try searching...?

Anyway they said the game feels very last gen and if you were to remove the "veil" it would be like every other WW2 shooter. I have also read that the AI was really stupid because they would look at you but would just sit there and not shoot at you.

How about YOU give us links to back up your statement. Your telling us that the game sucks based on previews.

I wouldn't worry about Wolfenstein, that game is going to suck and so far previews have been saying it sucks.

According to Brad Shoemaker(yes that is his name), "The game uses the Doom 3 engine, which admittedly didn't sound too exciting at first, but I think Raven is doing a decent job of making this game look modern on five-year-old technology."
Also keep in mind that this is an engine made by id which by its nature is very sophisticated to begin with. Even Quake Live looks nice for a game that is completely online.

Also, telling me that it be another generic world war 2 game sounds a little silly to me. You aren't some Generic Allied soldier on the battlefield. Also look at the video in the link I provided. They have some NP using some freaking magic. When the hell did the generic World War 2 game have magic? Wolfestein 3D had you killing some robot Hitler character. Even if John Romero isn't attributing to this new game, the whole weirdness can easily be expect because it is made from id. Again, your words are just silly.
Maybe in the unlikely chance Doom 4 comes to the Wii aswell we'll see Doom 1&2 for WiiWare? Or atleast Doom64 on the Virtual Console. And hopefully not the Doom port to the SNES, that thing was ugly.

Dude! Doom 64 would be freakin' tight! I'd download that in a hearbeat! I never played the actual version of it on the n64, but I played that one exact replica made by these two guys. They called it doom absolution or something like that. It was for the pc.But I never did finish it. I got stuck at this one level and couldn't figure out what to do. That game was hard. But if I got a chance to play it again, I totally would get this on the VC. I've never heard of that doom port on the SNES your'e talking about, but I did see the one on the GBA. That thing was ugly too. I still played it though. hehe...

OH yeah! to the OP: I seriously doubt that will happen, but who knows? Life full of surprises after all(and disappointments as well....)
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I've never heard of that doom port on the SNES your'e talking about, but I did see the one on the GBA. That thing was ugly too. I still played it though. hehe...
Not as ugly as the Atari 2600VCS version
Not as ugly as the Atari 2600VCS version

damn it! was that guy joking when he was talking about a SNES version? Damn it. I now there's no Atari version! I won't be fooled by you at least(assuming I was fooled by that other guy)! Nice try Darkprinny!

Edit: Damn it! It's not fair. It's almost 3 in the freakin' morning! If you fooled me, its only because my mind is as dull as a banana right now... I can't sleep...

Although I must admit, that looks funny. Haha!
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damn it! was that guy joking when he was talking about a SNES version? Damn it. I now there's no Atari version! I won't be fooled by you at least(assuming I was fooled by that other guy)! Nice try Darkprinny!

Edit: Damn it! It's not fair. It's almost 3 in the freakin' morning! If you fooled me, its only because my mind is as dull as a banana right now... I can't sleep...

Although I must admit, that looks funny. Haha!
It was indeed a joke

Bananas are only dull if you leave them in the fridge

No Atari Doom huh?

Arnt you forgetting something

It was a ok game on it
I can never get used to having a button you gotta hold to strafe (apart from the way it should be with "L" and "R" but th Atari Jaguar lacks those buttons
damn it! was that guy joking when he was talking about a SNES version? Damn it. I now there's no Atari version! I won't be fooled by you at least(assuming I was fooled by that other guy)! Nice try Darkprinny!

Edit: Damn it! It's not fair. It's almost 3 in the freakin' morning! If you fooled me, its only because my mind is as dull as a banana right now... I can't sleep...

Although I must admit, that looks funny. Haha!
No I was being serious. There was a Doom port to the SNES. There was one on the Genesis too but I forget if it was the Sega CD or the 32X.
No I was being serious. There was a Doom port to the SNES. There was one on the Genesis too but I forget if it was the Sega CD or the 32X.

Well seeing as there was a port for the gameboy advance, which, like the SNES, ran on 32 bits, this is believable. And for the record, you are a guy right?for some reason, I always assume everyone on this forum is male....I ask because I called you a guy earlier, so yea...:zzz:
No I was being serious. There was a Doom port to the SNES. There was one on the Genesis too but I forget if it was the Sega CD or the 32X.
The SNES doom was better than the 32X Doom
Ah, I was drawing my info from the Nerd. A good man he is! :lol:
You're too young to.

Back on topic, Wolfenstein.
You're too young to.

Back on topic, Wolfenstein.

Or too innocent?:aureola: haha

Seriously though, I don't get why you say you're a transvestite. I don't see any relevant connection to anything else being discussed.... It could just be my lack of sleep....:zzz:

*clears throat*

yes! Wolfenstein, umm, wasn't this like the predecessor to doom or something like that? i don't know too much about it, but I've always wanted to play doom 3(never have). It looked cool, so maybe wolfenstein will be a pretty cool game, considering it will run on the same engine. I seriously doubt that they will port it to wii though, even if they are able to do it easily because of the wii and the xbox's similarities.
You asked if I was a male.

And yes, Wolfenstein was the Doom before Doom. Back in the day it broke new grounds, today it's... very... uh, dull. It didn't age well like Doom or Quake.
How about YOU give us links to back up your statement. Your telling us that the game sucks based on previews.

According to Brad Shoemaker(yes that is his name), "The game uses the Doom 3 engine, which admittedly didn't sound too exciting at first, but I think Raven is doing a decent job of making this game look modern on five-year-old technology."
Also keep in mind that this is an engine made by id which by its nature is very sophisticated to begin with. Even Quake Live looks nice for a game that is completely online.

Also, telling me that it be another generic world war 2 game sounds a little silly to me. You aren't some Generic Allied soldier on the battlefield. Also look at the video in the link I provided. They have some NP using some freaking magic. When the hell did the generic World War 2 game have magic? Wolfestein 3D had you killing some robot Hitler character. Even if John Romero isn't attributing to this new game, the whole weirdness can easily be expect because it is made from id. Again, your words are just silly.

You sir are an idiot

To your first statement: Google it

I said if you remove the "VEIL" it looks like a generic WW2 shooter. The "Veil" is the "magic-ish-ness" in the game. So therefore take away all the sci-fi aspects and it's another WW2 shooter.

Also these are not my words, this is what I read.

Last, I was in no way talking about the graphics engine or the graphics at all. I think Wolfenstein looks fine and I think if they wanted they could easily make a port for the Wii.

But what i'm saying is if I were you guys I would be more hopeful for another port instead of a game that so far isn't looking to good by what people are saying from their "Hands-on" experience.

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