Should we be expect the new Wolfeinstein on the Wii

I absolutely loved DOOM3.

DOOM4 looks weird in the screens I have seen. For some reason I am just not interested even though I really know nothing about it. Maybe I'll change my mind after they reaveal more about it.

I loved Return to Castle Wolfenstein! That game was awesome!!!
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You sir are an idiot

To your first statement: Google it

I said if you remove the "VEIL" it looks like a generic WW2 shooter. The "Veil" is the "magic-ish-ness" in the game. So therefore take away all the sci-fi aspects and it's another WW2 shooter.

Also these are not my words, this is what I read.

Last, I was in no way talking about the graphics engine or the graphics at all. I think Wolfenstein looks fine and I think if they wanted they could easily make a port for the Wii.

But what i'm saying is if I were you guys I would be more hopeful for another port instead of a game that so far isn't looking to good by what people are saying from their "Hands-on" experience.
You sir an ignorant idiot.
You do realize that there were many releases of Wolfeinstein and already a large search database on Wolfeinstein. Also, I am not interested in aimlessly looking for websites to back up YOUR claim. Also, to tell me to search something is just lazyiness on your part. Otherwise, you really are just pulling stuff out of your ass. I did two searches suggested by your verb "Google" to go to and look for it myself. By searching "Wolfeinstein", I came to one where it was the original Wolfeinstein game, Wolfeinstein 3D.

My second search I typed in was "Wolfenstein, Doom 3 engine", which resulted in basically a bunch of forum posts.

There is only so much the binary search method can do for its user. Also, if you don't know what the binary search method is, how about you google it.

As for the Sci-fi, it is in the game. It even part of the game play.
How about we just remove the weapons, ammo, and life system and we would get Myst. I guess that makes every person shooter a clone of Myst with guns. Besides, unlike the generic first person ww2 shooter, there is an amulet that manipulates gravity and all sorts of ****.

Again, as for the hands on experience, bring out a website. It doesn't even matter for the most part. We are talking about id Software. It doesn't matter what the previews are like. What matters is the final copy.
Lol, ever heard of being more specific with your searches? That's like trying to search about Super Mario Bros 2 and you just type "Super Mario"

Also why did you search "Wolfenstein, Doom 3 engine" when im not talking anything about that?

I KNOW that it's a Sci-fi you idiot, wtf are you even reading? I KNOW ITS PART OF IT. I said that in a hands on preview the write clearly said "If you removed the veil then it would would look like a generic WW2 shooters" (By the way i'm paraphrasing)

I mean seriously... What are you 80 years old and senile? You google like an old guy who doesn't know what he's doing. You need to be more specific... Use words that will actually find what you are looking for...

For example: "Wolfenstein Xbox 360 Hands on"




I have to believe that you are not this idiotic. There is really no way that you could be so dumb to google "Wolfenstein" and expect to find a hands on impression of the unreleased game...

The only explanation is you simply wanted to be a smart ass.

If you want me to reply again, which i'm sure you will because people like you don't give in because you need to be right. Then please... come with a better argument then "I googled 'Wolfenstein' and found nothing"

Btw in case you want to be a smart ass again, i'm paraphrasing what you said.
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come on guys~ you both are regulars on the forum, no need to argue.

i know proven your point is a must but this is not worth the effort since neither will come to an agreement about what you(s) ment in your Op's

here is a doobie. smoke it and make peace.
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Lol, ever heard of being more specific with your searches? That's like trying to search about Super Mario Bros 2 and you just type "Super Mario"

Also why did you search "Wolfenstein, Doom 3 engine" when im not talking anything about that?

I KNOW that it's a Sci-fi you idiot, wtf are you even reading? I KNOW ITS PART OF IT. I said that in a hands on preview the write clearly said "If you removed the veil then it would would look like a generic WW2 shooters" (By the way i'm paraphrasing)

I mean seriously... What are you 80 years old and senile? You google like an old guy who doesn't know what he's doing. You need to be more specific... Use words that will actually find what you are looking for...

For example: "Wolfenstein Xbox 360 Hands on"




I have to believe that you are not this idiotic. There is really no way that you could be so dumb to google "Wolfenstein" and expect to find a hands on impression of the unreleased game...

The only explanation is you simply wanted to be a smart ass.

If you want me to reply again, which i'm sure you will because people like you don't give in because you need to be right. Then please... come with a better argument then "I googled 'Wolfenstein' and found nothing"

Btw in case you want to be a smart ass again, i'm paraphrasing what you said.

As I said, the new Wolfeinstein game is being built with the Doom 3 engine. Why would it not be a reasonable search? Part of the critique on the game would be the engine. When we talk about id IP, we always talk about their engine. Enough said.

As for using google, I found your petty little article, after modifying the search as "wolfeinstein xbox 360 hands on, a generic ww2 shooter"

I found your petty source, which has been the only one that has been critical of the game all together. Besides, its not as if their editorial is the power of the gods. There other previews out there.

Here is a source on why Wolfeinstein is NOT a generic WW2 shooter.
And just for shits and laughs
"The first-person shooter genre has grown pretty formulaic. Due mostly to the outstanding sales success of the Call of Duty franchise, most FPS games follow the same rote formula without any innovation, clinging to the old adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." But that also means as soon as a game's announced, you can already predict exactly how the game will look and feel. Though, after watching a demonstration and playing a short bit of Wolfenstein, I have five reasons why you shouldn't file Wolfenstein away as just "more of the same." "

Not only is there praise for the game before hand(which is as equally acceptable as negative feedback), but I didn't waste other people's time making other them use google because I should have the source to back myself, unlike some arrogant idiots. Also, why is my method of searching similar to a senile man when you couldn't be bother to get a link for an editorial YOU READ and request someone else to find the specific preview YOU READ amongst numerous of previews. Speaking of senile men, at least I know how to operate a simple "copy and paste" task with a link. Even my father can do that and he is 55 years old which can only make try to guess how old you are.

Besides, you were making the point that this game "If you were to remove the veil, it would be a generic ww2 shooter". Since the Veil is still quite there, why would it be a valid point to take it away. They added the veil to make the game interesting, not to be generic.
You asked if I was a male.

And yes, Wolfenstein was the Doom before Doom. Back in the day it broke new grounds, today it's... very... uh, dull. It didn't age well like Doom or Quake.

That's right. I did, didn't I? THat's what lack of sleep does to you I suppose. I had completely forgotten. Sorry about that.. ^^;
I think is very possible, becose Mr. John Carmach promises long time ago that he will deliver Orcs and Elves for Wii, but never happen...
Now, he says: I have a secret game in development for the Iphone and would be working great for the Wii!!

Come-on John and do it, I hope you adapt the Rage3 engine for Wii !!
As I said, the new Wolfeinstein game is being built with the Doom 3 engine. Why would it not be a reasonable search? Part of the critique on the game would be the engine. When we talk about id IP, we always talk about their engine. Enough said.

As for using google, I found your petty little article, after modifying the search as "wolfeinstein xbox 360 hands on, a generic ww2 shooter"

I found your petty source, which has been the only one that has been critical of the game all together. Besides, its not as if their editorial is the power of the gods. There other previews out there.

Here is a source on why Wolfeinstein is NOT a generic WW2 shooter.
And just for shits and laughs
"The first-person shooter genre has grown pretty formulaic. Due mostly to the outstanding sales success of the Call of Duty franchise, most FPS games follow the same rote formula without any innovation, clinging to the old adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." But that also means as soon as a game's announced, you can already predict exactly how the game will look and feel. Though, after watching a demonstration and playing a short bit of Wolfenstein, I have five reasons why you shouldn't file Wolfenstein away as just "more of the same." "

Not only is there praise for the game before hand(which is as equally acceptable as negative feedback), but I didn't waste other people's time making other them use google because I should have the source to back myself, unlike some arrogant idiots. Also, why is my method of searching similar to a senile man when you couldn't be bother to get a link for an editorial YOU READ and request someone else to find the specific preview YOU READ amongst numerous of previews. Speaking of senile men, at least I know how to operate a simple "copy and paste" task with a link. Even my father can do that and he is 55 years old which can only make try to guess how old you are.

Besides, you were making the point that this game "If you were to remove the veil, it would be a generic ww2 shooter". Since the Veil is still quite there, why would it be a valid point to take it away. They added the veil to make the game interesting, not to be generic.

The reason I did not post a link is because I couldn't remember where I read it. Which would have meant I needed to google it to try and find it. Why bother when you could simply do yourself, like you just demonstrated. Either you were too dumb to narrow down the search or you just don't want to be wrong. You tried to make it seem like it's too hard to find the article.

Simply put you could have googled it from the beginning and been had the link

As for the preview, yes you are right Joystiq isn't the all mighty god of editorials. But neither is or any other website. I was simply saying that an article I read claimed it was not very good. There were more articles I read, but that was the only one that called it generic. But even the other one I read (which again I don't remember where) still wasn't praising it.

I know nothing about WW2 and I personally wouldn't call it generic because I have never played it. I simply stated what I read and you turned it into a big argument just because I didn't give link.

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