Should I sell my Wii?


Jun 15, 2011
Ohio, United States
Wii Online Code
I have a white Wii with 10 or 11 games for it. Since the new Wii U is coming out I know that they'll gradually stop making new games for the old Wii and it'll be all about the Wii U like with the DS, DS Lite, DSi, and 3DS. I love my Wii and kinda don't want a repeat with my PS2 of selling it and regreting it but I'm not sure. I know new game systems will always come out and I'm cool with that. But should I sell my Wii or tough it out and keep it?

P.S. I might be getting an Xbox 360 or PS3 on my 16th birthday. Which do you guys think is better?
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Okie dokie and thanks I'm a very indecisive person so your opinion helps a lot! :)
I agree with flame cept go with PS3 because it is better i have reviewed it several times due to me wanting to get one.
Try listing it on an auction site like There free to list and a much smaller closing fee than ebay, then see what you get.
it'll be kinda hard to sell it because of so many people having one (maybe)
i've got too many virtual console games that i used to play 20 years ago to sell mine
i wanted to get a ps3 but i got a great deal on a 360
The Wii U is a year or more away from release still, so I wouldn't be in any hurry to sell your current Wii.

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