Should I sell my DS for a PSP?

Yeah dude. There is maybe one good game for PSP and it's that one puzzle game.

PSP is too expensive. You buy the PSP, great, you're gonna need games, a memory card, maybe a case, the movie disks are kinda expensive, it just seems so pointless.
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Thanks everyone for your responses, Ive decided to keep my DS
dude iv been their, got a DS phat at lunch loved it, played some good games, then i got bored, then i sold it for a PSP, got a couple good games, like seriously the only good thing was socom online multi, then i decided the PSP really sucks alot, they is NO good games, to phat to me a Mp3/movie player, internet brower is slow and useless, and then i got a DS lite and i love it, im currently playing FF3 which is amassing graphics and i have more and buy the Wifi games their fun, just dont do u man u will regret it the PSP has fallen to the DS lite
Yeah!!!! good choice my friend, and never again come to that kind of dilemma, for example "should I sell my Wii for a PS3?" the answer will be NOOO!!!! never, don't even think about that
if your into portable gaming stick with the ds ..if you want something like a portable computer get the psp..and yes umd movies are pricy but thats why you buy xcopy9 and tranfer the dvd to the memory card to the psp so you can watch movies on the go..but both are great ds is for portable gaming and psp is like a portable computer
The DS imo has much better games, but the few games on PSP that I love, play awesome! Typically being pretty much 'anti Sony' I have to say, with all my regret for buying the PSP, it still holds it's own value in my collection. NFS series plays awesome and sounds great on the PSP. I have yet to purchase NFS:Carbon to test the DS in that field, actually had that predicament tonight... and ended up choosing DKR:DS which i'm completely satisfied with. And considering how cheap the DS is, it's really not worth much for resale, so keep it and save up for a PSP if you must.
Dude take it form me.
Don't buy the PSP i think you will try to sell it within 2 months.
At least that happend to me. I had 43 PSP games and 3.03 OE-A which can run PSX games. After a month I didn't even touch that piece of sh** so i sold it.
Now I want a DS Lite cos i see people have only good things to say about the DS Lite and I like the mario games on it.
So... my opinion - Don't do it ! You'll regret it.
hmm thats odd, the only people i have seen with a ds are little girls ( no i'm not a peedo, its my m8s sisters ) lol

but in my opinion the only good games for ds are mario cart and mario bros but i heard that a super smash bros and something else i liked.

Its up to you want you want it for. i would say that if your planning on going on long drives or holidays etc and want something to do, then get a psp,it has music player, movie player, really good games, picture viewing etc and there is a camera that slots into the usb port on the top coming out soon.

basically what i should be saying is, dont just trust ' anyone ' if your planning on getting a fairly expensive console. Do some research for yourself, then check if what they said is right, so on ramble ramble

stevo out!
Yellow_Wii said:
DO IT!!! ive just ordered my psp

look the ds has crappy games like nintendogs and the psp has online browsing, picture viewing, videos/films, great games, mp3 music player and a camera that fits in the usb port

you can hook up better storage cards too

seriously sell your ds but a psp

Hmm, lets try doing some research before we post. You can do all of that on the DS. And its cheaper than the PSP. Also, my friend has a PSP, and he has tons of online games....and NO ONE PLAYS THEM!

Don't do it that is stupid good games are coming out for the DS in the future don't do it

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