Should I get gunstar heroes?


Wii Launch Day Owner
Nov 21, 2006
Van, BC
Wii Online Code
someone gave me wii points card for birthday.
as a zelda fan, i was going to definitely download lttp but same day, my other friend gave me lttp on gba.
so i'm thinking of getting gunstar heroes.

but only thing is that i heard this game is pretty tough.
how hard is this game?
The harder the better imo. Get you money's worth out of replay value. I would like to know though so i'll subscribe to this
The game is great, hard as nails the first time you do it (the only really difficult bit is the 5 or 6 bosses you have to do in a row at the end) I downloaded it because i heard good things, and i was not disappointed.
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thx guys!
and i was just wondering,
can u keep respawing when with 2 players?
If you are playing 2 players, and say player A dies, and player B has 70 health left, player A can respawn, but he will steal half of player B's health, leaving them both in 35.
yeah its really fun, i find that 5 bosses in a row bit hard lol
Gunstar's is a fantastic game, I would recommend it no end but if your interested in the side scroll shooter genre then as everyone is saying get Contra/Probotector first.
ima dl it today, but heh i want some more Snes RPG's on that list to DL :D

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