Shipping Days


Jul 11, 2006
United States, New Jersey
I know most of you guys have Wii's already, but i still would like to know, if there is like best days for shipping. Like do most stores get Wiis on a certain day of the week or is just random every week or so???
When I was looking I found that almost all stores had different ship dates. If you call the stores most of them will tell you what day they get their shipments in. Wish I had more info for ya, hope that helps.
Well over here in the UK, shops get their deliveries of DVDs on Mondays or Tuesdays and all the game stuff come out on Fridays, like our VC games do. Now your VC games come out on Monday don't they? Do games come out on Mondays too? If so then maybe there's like a better chance of getting them on Mondays?
surfinrach90 said:
Well over here in the UK, shops get their deliveries of DVDs on Mondays or Tuesdays and all the game stuff come out on Fridays, like our VC games do. Now your VC games come out on Monday don't they? Do games come out on Mondays too? If so then maybe there's like a better chance of getting them on Mondays?

yep, mondays the shipping day, but usually you cant buy the game until tue, wed, or even thur
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games normally come out whenever there release date is so i cant really pick a specific day of the week. but idk i have been told a couple times to call back on Monday, or for some reason Best Buy and Wal-mart told me to call them on Thursday after 11 so im gonna call EVERYWHERE again tommarow. :)
JCpackers05 said:
I know most of you guys have Wii's already, but i still would like to know, if there is like best days for shipping. Like do most stores get Wiis on a certain day of the week or is just random every week or so???

I ended up finding a lot of Wii's for my friends and for family members from release date until recently. Here's what I found:

Gamestop/EB Games - Get shipments in randomly, which usually arrive via UPS in the afternoon hours (so, it's pointless to call in the morning).

Target - Restock their stuff overnight, which means overnight shipments. It's wise to call them right when they open (you can also call them before they open, because the overnight crew will usually answer the phone)

Wallmart - Open 24/7, yet they usually get their Wii shipments in the afternoons (just like EB Games and Gamestop). Speak to a manager because the employees are usually too dumb to know what they are talking about. Walmart, also sometimes will hold onto Wii's they get during the week and release them on Sunday (and put an ad in their Saturday paper).

Best Buy - They almost ALWAYS will hold onto their Wii's until a given date (usually a SUNDAY) and post ads in the Saturday Paper for Sunday morning.

-call, call, call (if you call everyday, to every store, you will have one within 1-2 weeks, guaranteed!)
-ask more questions other than "Do you have any Wii's in stock?". Ask stuff like "when do you plan on getting more in?" and "when was the last time you had a shipment?"
-Keep your eyes peeled for ads in the paper (especially the Saturday one), for stores like Best Buy and Walmart sometimes hold Wii's until Sunday.
-check places that aren't too obvious (i.e. Sears, Toys R' Us, Costco, Sam's, etc.)
-use sites like and to see which online stores have Wii's in stock (which may be your best option!)

You can also find great websites devoted to tracking hot items (i.e. Wii's, PS3's, Tickle Me Elmo's, etc). is a great one. You can sign up for free and just type in your zip code.

Good luck finding one. If you're devoted enough and you make a well thought-out game plan, you should have one before you know it.

Hope this helped! :)
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Great write up jeagle82. A lot of good info there. I was determined when I got mine, I called 70+ stores on Christmas eve and ended up driving 90 miles to get one, luck of the draw my guess. Good luck JC hope to see the I got one post soon.

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