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Forum user: ashley64

Wii code: 6001-0274-0576-2138

wii user name: Ashley

please add mine and let me no is it ok too add yours
Its ok to add me

ashley64 said:
Forum user: ashley64

Wii code: 6001-0274-0576-2138

wii user name: Ashley

please add mine and let me no is it ok too add yours
I just added you to my address book can you plz add me back.
2891tony said:
hello everyone my wii number is 7423-8099-1412-6165
my wii name is- wii man!
thanks pm me if u have added me and i will be sure to add u!

is ok to add your wii code to mine?????? n wud you add mine?
i81u812 said:
So People PLEASE add me is my user name too hard I just want some more friends info on left just leave a quick response here and Ill add back or PM which ever you prefer I still have 15 pages of slots.

hey is it alright to add you?
Swoove26 said:
For the third and FINAL time! Wii Mac,Wilabob,TURKS,Jeese,LemonLemon,sef,FutbolDude,KirbyDude. If any of you guys don't respond within the next day.You'll be deleted from my system.:mad2: :eek:ut:

i have wiimac do u want me to do a message to add u??
ashley64 said:
Forum user: ashley64

Wii code: 6001-0274-0576-2138

wii user name: Ashley

please add mine and let me no is it ok too add yours

ill add u if u add me
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