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Wii Code

here is my Wii Code and Smash Code

Smash Code - 4940-5302-4196

Wii Code - 6482-8423-3998

Akki or jikusai
Wii Code

Hey Add me or send a PM Messege So i can add whoever for Brawl and Wii Friend... I will check Every Afternoon and night for Messege's...

Akki or Jikusai or Sai

Wii Code - 6482-8423-3998-7179

Smash Bros Code - 49040-5402-4196
My code is 7063-0287-6890-4406 Someone Register me! I have no friends on the wii cuz I'm kinda new.
no friends yet..

Forum username: Obsidian
Wii online code: 3753-8555-5357-2423
Wii username: Fox

I have not added anyone yet (only smashbros)
I have added Fox, Zelda, Roxy877, Homedawg, lx, DazCpen, and Jslck630. If any of them Wii names are yours ive added you, if anyone else wants to add me just let me know
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