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ok on teh wii right?

EDIT: I already added u on my wii.
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sure boss! then from there i'll definitely tell you when i buy/rent strikers again =)

Chances are your gonna own me in that game like no tomorrow LOL
lol well if u think ur average then u got the same chance as me beating you i havent played for a while bcuz i got distracted by a VC game i was playing.
hey people

add me to your wii's and tell me to add you
Hey. Add me pweeeeeeese and send me all your mii's. Plus PM me if you do add me

P.S. I am not gay. I find "pweeeeese" to be very heterosexual
add me

Private Message me if u add me. im on this site all the time so i will respond quick.
My code: 5804 8878 9274 1845
Hey all newbie here! About damn time I got around to getting a Wii, now I need some friend codes to make sure connect24 is working correctly!

my code: 1307 9193 2577 3394

EDIT:: forgot to say, my Wii is called Morgan
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some one add me and tell me that u added me so i can add u
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