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Wii Num: 7689-4516-6161-3349
Wii Name: Icarus

i just got my wii trying to get some friends

pm me when u add me =)

see you on the wii man
Add me

Make sure u add me definitley need more wii friends and when u do add me either email me at or Aim me at Spizzbhot or finally pm.

My Wii Number: 5603 7234 3574 9255
Wii name: Spizznice
Not sure how to pm but my user name is marcEFC and my code is 3105 6079 1879 2638 im sending u this message cos ur from canada and had some ace times in toronto when i was 22 met some cool canadians peace!
Sorry I just the Wii so can someone tell me something? What is my Wii user name? Is it the name of my Wii console?

Anyway Wii Chat username: E-Roc2010
Friend code: 7990 7908 6210 2287
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