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thx to the people who added im still lookin for more jus hit me up ok

<-------wii code/nickname
Ashton_burke4 said:
add me, I'm awesome!!!!!! and SUPER SMART according to Big Brain Academy!!!!!

Anyway add me and send me a pm so I can add you back!!!!!!!!

<---------------info over here!!!!!!!!!!!:smilewinkgrin:
i added u already now can u please add me the # is in my sig
Thanks for the Add from alot of people i still need alot of Friends so send me a Private Message Info to the Left

Looking for Mii's

add me please:)

looking for other mii's for parades!

wii console # 8261-2964-9233-3684

Forum username: spaje
Wii online code: 7648-1471-9603-8989
Wii username: spaje
Please email me at [email protected] if you add me and I'll be happy to add you too. Or pm me if that's something on this site and you think I'll see it but I don't know what you all mean pm really.(I do know it stands for personal message just new to this site so I'll just guess it's a site feature.)
spaje said:
Forum username: spaje
Wii online code: 7648-1471-9603-8989
Wii username: spaje
Please email me at [email protected] if you add me and I'll be happy to add you too. Or pm me if that's something on this site and you think I'll see it but I don't know what you all mean pm really.(I do know it stands for personal message just new to this site so I'll just guess it's a site feature.)
i addeed u now add me
Hey, im new to wii chat and would like friends for my mii parade ^_^
please add me lol and i'll add you back
my info is off to the left :)
People can add me if they want. We have no Wii friends <pout> ;)

Wii Online Code:

Wii Username:
Hey, Looking for Some cool celeb Mii's. If you have any really good ones feel free to send them over

Console Name:

Console Code:

Please PM me so I can add you back.

P.S. No Crap Mii's LoL
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