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hey babywii i added u my number is 7866 4856 1657 5766 and user name is harown and can u come to a mii parade u know have some fun.
wii online code:1207-2194-8901-8922
wii online name:Jack M
mario strikers code:330816 105642
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ive added elliot chicho bigsam4 moltar Ratman

my wii number is 1207-2194- 8904-8922
Let me no if you have added me
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add me

hey so far ive added elliot, rgstrdnrd,bigsam4,miiblondey,sushi,mustang,nubhugs,jstonecold,sawjai113,lalli,and babywii can u all add me please my code is 7866 4856 1657 5766 and user name is harown.
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